
Chrissy Billis: The OkCupid Killer

From: Stephanie Dasaro
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:32 PM
To: mediastatewide
Subject: VSP Press Release - Homicide Arrest Related to 2009 Crash Fatality in Charleston


Homicide Arrest Related to 2009 Crash Fatality in Charleston

Detective Sgt. Darren Annis - Derby Barracks, 802-334-8881

Charleston, VT - 6/28/2011 - On September 22, 2009 at approximately 4:16PM, Vermont State troopers investigated a single vehicle crash that occurred at the intersection of Line Farm Road and VT Route 5A in Charleston, Vermont.  Several fire and rescue agencies were called to the scene. The driver, Christine Billis age 42 of Brownington, sustained injuries and was transported to North Country Hospital.  The passenger, Charles Billis age 57 of Brownington, Christine's husband, was trapped in the vehicle and had to be extricated. Charles Billis was also transported to North Country Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The initial crash investigation conducted at the scene by the Vermont State Police indicated that the Billis' vehicle was traveling south on VT Route 5A when it struck a large pine tree near the intersection of Line Farm Road. The crash occurred during the day, under clear skies, and dry road conditions. Speed was not considered a factor by the investigating trooper; however Charles Billis was not wearing a seat belt. At the time of the crash it was believed that the driver may have experienced a medical episode that might have contributed to the crash.

Recently information became available regarding the investigation which led police to believe that the crash may not have been accidental. As a result of the continuing investigation by the Vermont State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation, detectives determined that the crash was the result of an intentional act by Christine Billis.

Christine Billis was arrested for Homicide in the 1st Degree, a violation of Title 13, Vermont Statutes Annotated Section 2301. Billis is lodged at the Northern State Correctional Center in Newport and is being held without bail. The arrest processing photo will be available tomorrow, Wednesday June 29.

Anyone with additional information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Vermont State Police Derby Barracks, 802-334-8881.

No other details from this criminal investigation are available. All questions regarding the pending court proceeding or prosecution should be directed to the Orleans County State's Attorney Alan Franklin at 802-334-2037.


Stephanie Dasaro | Vermont State Police - Public Information Officer
103 South Main Street | Waterbury, Vermont 05671
802-241-5277 (PIO) | 802-279-9773 (cell) | 802-241-5443 (Webmaster)

This is a seriously big scoop. I'm well aware. I need to handle it like I have tried to handle everything else in this horrific situation: responsibly, and by the Grace of God. The media bombards us with stories. The media is just a group of people who tell stories from the outside looking in. By that I mean, these folks are not a part of the stories they are reporting on. They have to discover the facts before they know them.   Good investigative reporters will dig for the facts, then discern the right context to frame these facts in, and there, you have a true story. Kinda wooden and two dimentional, but true. An investigative blogger is a journalist of a slightly different sort. Investigative bloggers are in the story, recording their own experiences, with attached feelings and emotions, adding a third dimension in a blog; which is nothing more than a digital diary that everyone in the world is not only allowed, but encouraged to read. No secrets. I explain it in this blurb I keep somewhere on this news blog, trying to get other investigative bloggers of a similar mind-set to help me build it up:

I’m not a reporter or a journalist who is prevented from making myself part of the story. I’m a blogger, and these stories are a part of me. Therefore, expect me to be making more than a cameo appearance in them. I know I’m not the only one out here who has had a life. I think there is enough material here to give a general idea of the kind of News Blog I'm trying to create. Wanna join me? Writers wanted: Especially those who are ready to graduate from writing for hokey content farms like Factoidz and Ezine Articles. I welcome anyone with a good story to share. I will help anyone with a good scoop to investigate. Bring it on! (I’ll share revenue) No slander, no gossip -just true, emotionally riveting, newsworthy drama.

I was the informant that worked with the Vermont State Police over a period of about seven months, gathering recordings of repeated confessions by Chrissy Billis, stating that she drove into the tree purposely, as she had planned for months, that clear September afternoon of September 22, 2009, killing her legally blind husband, Charlie Billis, 57, beloved father and stepfather to two amazing young Christian girls, Corrina and Cat, who were ages 14 and 9 when they saw their dad off to Heaven. At the time of the crash, Charlie was not wearing a seat belt, and was sleeping.

From what Chrissy told me, the impact of the crash caused Charlie's aorta to tear, and he bled to death from this heart wound. She told me more than once, in a dark, ironic and humorous tone, "Charlie always said he was going to die of a broken heart." 

I met Chrissy on an online dating site where I've kept a profile for over a year. We were somehow a 98% match. Chrissy called me her twin brother from another mother...I think the matchmaker robot just perceived that I am a sucker for ruthless women. It must have obtained data regarding my ex wives. Chrissy and I never had a sexual relationship. I have been discerning a vocation in the Catholic Church, and have been on a two year test drive with the celibacy thing before I commit long term. Plus, not to sound judgmental, but between the filthiness, the promiscuity, the hard drugs, the neglect of her children, the smoking and the murdering, I found the woman about as attractive as a bucket full of wriggling peckers.

I had a certain intuition, even when we first instant messaged, that she made herself a widow. A few phone calls later, before we had even met in person, she confessed very remorsefully. I prayed with her over the phone, asking with her for the Lord's forgiveness. I explained that I wasn't a priest, and that I think she should experience the sacrament of reconciliation. I got her into RCIA with Father Mike at St. Mary Star of the Sea, in Newport. She dropped out of the classes after just a few. She said she knew that God had forgiven her, and she was "off being grounded" I told her weather she sought her forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Catholic way or the Protestant way, it didn't matter. Although, I said that I was sure it needed to be more of a process than just blurting out a confession over the phone to some guy you just met on the Internet, and sobbing through a short, but heart-felt prayer.

I felt called in a mystical way to this family crisis -a story in itself for later. I made sure I put justice on the back burner and focused on love and mercy first, and ensuring her kids were safe. I knew I had to convince her to turn herself in. I ran that by my friend Father Ciprion, and he agreed. I was working to that end, when about eight weeks after she confessed to me, we had a falling out. She was high on oxys that she and an accomplice stole from our sick friend, who we had just helped move from VT to CT. She stole $60 out of my wallet, and by the end of some other drama involving her accomplice...she threatened to kill me if I ever recorded her confessions and turned her in. So after she said that, I put justice on the front burner and... I recorded her confession and turned her in.

Now Chrissy is sitting in jail, and beginning the true process of "conscience clearing" that leads to a full and real reconciliation with God, and your own soul after committing such a grave sin as premeditated murder. She is off to a rocky start because before she got arraigned she found out that I was the one who busted her, and freaked out to the point she couldn't be arraigned, and was ordered by Judge Bent to go for a competency review. She checked out as selfish and immature, but sane -from what her oldest daughter Brandi, 24, said. She rescinded my guardianship of the girls that we had just gotten the paper work notarized for before she knew she would be arrested. Her daughters preferred, even after they knew I worked with the police to bring their mother to justice, that I be their guardian. Corrina said "I did the right thing." Cat said during one of our prayers for her mother, that her mom was going to clear her conscience while she was in jail, and she would feel better -body and soul...(I'm not paraphrasing here, if you know these girls, you know they are brilliant!) and she painted her fingernails yellow and wrote F_E_E_L_B_E_T_T_E_R on each nail. So now a very unnecessary custody battle is raging, and making a bigger mess of this mess. But we have some good people involved, helping to ensure the right outcome happens, and our Lord is faithful. It's only been two weeks, and we expect things to start to settle soon. 

I'll keep everyone posted. Corrina is an excellent writer and will be speaking for herself in this story. Cat is also an excellent writer! She is only eleven, and won't be reading this blog. She has handled the truth about this horrible situation with grace and courage far beyond her years, but she can be spared the gory details. Those of us who are mature enough to handle digesting and discussing these hard cold truths in all their dark reality should join in with what those who wear the scapular are called to do:

Dry the tears of the suffering, protect the innocence of children, defend the faith in the hearts of youth, and seek peace, love, and a spirit of reconciliation in their families.

I'm sure we'll be covering this story, as it unfolds, here on my news blog for a long while. Join in. Be heard. But be constructive. Do you get it dear audience? We are trying to do something different here than what you get on TV news. We are trying to learn from this story, and somehow be changed for the better by it, as individuals and as a society. Maybe gain insight as to how to prevent something like this from happening again. We want to reach out to those hurt in this tragedy and say and do some things that might dry their tears. Anything other than that is just some asocial form of rubber-necking, and if that's what you are about then go find another train wreck to gawk at. Otherwise the consensus of all rational people that I've spoken to so far who are most closely affected by this tragedy, are praying for the perfect combination of justice and mercy. Please join us in that prayer.



  1. This is a truly fascinating story. As a blogger, where do you go from here? You can write more about this story, but I doubt if you can ever top it or even match it. But I've added you to the list of blogs I follow just in case.

    As a librarian and musicologist, I have spent a large part of my life toiling alone in a corner. You have asked for partners to write the same kind of personal reporting of gripping stories that you have. I can't do that, but I can promise good research if anything I write about is of interest.

  2. Hi David! My son Levi Leland would be really into your thoughts...He is a musician and a Poe fan.

    Believe it or not, I have another murder I've been investigating, for longer than this one...And a possible conspiracy to commit murder. And this other thing...No lack of scoops!


  4. Grow some balls and use your name. I will not delete any comment that has an associated name.

    So Anonymous, shut off the caps, it makes you look 12 years old. I am NOT a priest, did you miss that? If I was, and we were in the sacrament of reconciliation, aka "confession" then I could NEVER go to the authorities, and would have to keep it secret. So let this stand as a lesson: If you have a murder to confess, confess to a priest, not a guy on the Internet who is thinking about becoming one.

    Her children said I did the right thing.

    I hope it's more than fifteen minutes of fame this time...but with my luck, I'll be back to living in a van by the river by the Fall...with a lot more people out there who want me dead!


  6. If you know them so personally, then why don't you ask them what they think? If you really knew them you would know that they are plenty intelligent enough to explain the reasoning behind their decisions and their feelings. If you knew the family personally, did you know she drove the car into the tree on purpose, but you, unlike me, decided to keep that secret? After all, you say that is what I should have done.

    If anyone gains from the telling of this story it will be the poor kids left orphans by it. Two girls that didn't have much to begin with, now lost a dad, a mom, and they are struggling to hold on to their pets, that I would have gladly managed along with my own if I continued to be the guardian...The grandparents told the kids "you'll understand why they have to go when you are older..." I'm all grown up and smarter than both of them put together...I don't understand. Why do the pets have to go? Because it's all they have left of their family, besides each other? You don't know shit about my recordings, unless you are on the grand jury? or an investigator? Her Lawyer? C'mon Anonymous, who are you? btw, shut off the caps, it's rude.

  7. Stop avoiding my questions your nothing but a judas as you sit on the couch with Chrissy in a picture in the Caledonian-Record looking so smug all the while you were going to ruin what little family those girls had left. Hope you sleep well at night. ANONYMOUS OUT..........

  8. Am I sick? No. I feel great!

    Do I think the girls are mine? No. They belong to Charlie Billis, a fine man who was murdered for having a "big fucking mouth" according to Chrissy. I would be honored to be a foster parent to this man's children. I was a step father before for a guy who died, and I've been told by his family, I did a great job. I was chosen as guardian, I never intended to have "sole custody" or the only say in matters. I thought I would be working with the family...Soon I'll reveal why that didn't work out.

  9. I miss Charlie, he was a great guy and not abusive that I ever saw..We took Cat shooting .22's at the range and she's a natural..We did a show just hours before she slammed that tree, there was no anger, just joking and all..And what about Rachel? She promised me she would get her vet shots and spay her but did neither, then bred her with a dog 10X her size..I support the innocence presumption but this?? There are NO winners here, just some good kids who dearly miss their loving father, God have mercy on her soul and pray for the girls..TV Guy

  10. I'm sure you do. I'm working on a post about him. Sometimes in all the drama and emotion following a murder, the victim is forgotten. As a Catholic, I believe in "Communion of the Saints." This means that although Charlie isn't physically with us anymore, his personality, his hopes and dreams for his children, and his will, even in the aftermath of his murder...lives on. I'm trying to get my instructions from God, and line them up with Charlie's will. I need input from his friends, people like you. I wish you would use your name. I've used mine. I don't think you will get anywhere near as many threats as I have!

  11. Fuck you , you piece o shit ! Everyone knows what you are now and were not stopping our work until you are prosecuted and jailed for your role in that ugly murder ! Your at minimum guilty of accessory after the fact and by your own words guilty of extortion..........

  12. @ Anonymous troll: You spread this all over my blog. I'll leave it, hoping it will inspire reasonable people to speak up, even if it's anonymously. I'm disappointed that after almost six months, this discussion has been childish and boring. You accused me of "Accessory after the fact" That's a good talking point. Would anyone like to comment on what the law declares regarding reporting violent crime? It isn't what many people think, and it may not be fair to victims or witnesses.

    1. I don't know what the laws are, but I think when you became AWARE that she killed her husband you were LEGALLY bound to report it. Isn't it a crime to NOT report a crime when you know about it? If anyone knew you knew and didn't tell you could go to jail yourself. I think you did the right thing Kevin. If she plotted to or just came up with the idea to kill her husband she needs to answer for it.

  13. Good question Sally. In some circumstances (not this one) not reporting the murder could be considered 'accessory after the fact' -- Otherwise, the law discriminates by age: If there is a crime against a child that one knows about, that person can be charged for not reporting it. I had no legal responsibility to report this murder, or cooperate as an informant. I did it because it was the right thing to do for a lot of reasons, personal and social. She should be locked up until her and her grandchildren are older than she is.

  14. I think you would have to live with your conscience if you didn't come forward and report it. I can't imagine walking around every day knowing I kept a secret like that and a man is dead and the killer gets away with it. You may take a lot of heat for telling, but I think you have to answer to what you feel is right. I think this woman is a sick individual, but she still has to answer for what she did. Even if she got a couple of years, it would be something to show that what she did was wrong. Saying I'm sorry isn't enough or making excuses for killing him doesn't justify how she killed him.

  15. I'm with Sally but I'd take it a step further. The problem is not that you notified the authorities; the problem is that it took you 8 weeks, and only after you had a "falling out." She was a danger to society, and it was selfish to wait as long as you did. But I'm glad you finally did the right thing.

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  29. Kevin, I've recently come across the knowledge of this tale you've woven across the internet. The largest thing that has drawn my attention is the mention of her two daughters. Your post here finally gave me the age of one of the oldest daughters, and seeing as how based on this timeline she must be just about, or even past the age of 18 now, she should obviously be given a say in the show you raved about that is coming about "in the fall" of this year. Based off what I've read, you don't seem to have had that much time with the family, and the time you did have was with two young girls who were grief stricken from the loss of their father and a mother who most likely simply just blamed herself for the accident, because well, what sane person wouldn't feel responsible for causing the death of a loved one? So Kevin, being the "journalist" of sorts that you claim to be, please stop the mindless drabble about a shattered family that you very well may have caused the largest rift in. I mean unless of course there is some statement from one of her daughters out there that backs everything you're saying. Which I have a strange feeling (since I've looked) that there isn't. So step out from behind your pseudo-knightly Christian slander and re-evaluate what you have done so far with your life.

  30. I don't claim to be a "journalist" I'm a blogger. There is a huge difference. I don't slander anyone. I can back up anything I have said with a recording or some other proof. I can only write this from my point of view, and have had trouble interviewing others. I'm sure I'll find out a lot more as everyone else will when Discovery ID does the story.

    I just turned 46. I've done a lot with my life, materially and more importantly, spiritually --that I'm proud of, or at least, don't regret. I try to soul-search often enough, so I'm always re-evaluating. If you want to evaluate me, or yourself, based on what you would have done in the same, strange situation as I found myself in, please hold off until the story completely comes out. There are a lot of facts that make a difference, that haven't been revealed yet.

  31. Kevin, I just seen your story on the show Diabolical. I love watching the true murder stories and right away Google your name finding the story so intriguing. Reading the arguments between you and "anonymous" I am very much on your side and you did do the right thing by turning her in God knows who else she may have hurt including yourself or those precious daughters of hers heck she could have even hurt anonymous. So if anything you probably saved a life. I must say this, when I read that she has a mental problem my feelings did change for her and obviously she does if what you said is true about her as far as her not being clean and neglectful of her children when I read that you did not have a sexual relationship with her. I would like to ask this. If you were not attracted to her then why would you continue even to speak with her. I did online dating and if I was not attracted to the person then I didn't continue to speak with them. I will add this. I do find your spiritual values very genuine and rare.

    1. Eva,
      when questioned if he has an STD, Kevin becomes hostile
      it has been hypothosized that he contracted syphillus and herpes during his short stint in the Navy
      weather he was gang-raped & thrown over board by his shipmates is unknown.
      but it's pretty clear that the syphillus is eating away any cognitive abilities he may have left

  32. Thanks for your comments Eva. Not many people recognize that a gun-toting, thrill-seeking, shady-drifter can actually have genuine, spiritual values. To answer your question: I had a few reasons, some selfish, some altruistic. Selfish reasons: (1) It was a good scoop, and I am an aspiring investigative blogger. (2) It was good "self defense" practice to find out more about her and the claim she made, to see if I was in danger for knowing her deadly secret. I feel better facing my potential enemies than looking over my shoulder for them. (3) If her husband was beating her up and raping her daughters, and she took him out like that, then even though I wasn't romantically attracted to her, those are the kind of justifiably violent people I like to keep as close friends. The unselfish reasons come from pursuing a "true religion." St. James says it best:

    Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. -James 1:27

    She was still a poor suffering widow, even if she brought it on herself, with two young, heart-broken kids. I took responsibility for supporting them and keeping them safe, as best I could, throughout the ordeal. I also wanted to get justice for Charlie, once I found out she was lying about his abuse of her. She not only murdered him, but she slandered him over his dead body. I warned her not to do that, but she seems to be sticking to her bullshit story, and even the psychologist Discovery ID interviewed seemed to but buying it hook, line and sinker. I'm finishing a story about the ordeal, in the form of a letter to deceased husband, Charlie. That will give you a lot more details. Would you like an exclusive "sneak peek" at the still incomplete manuscript?

  33. I just watched diabolical and was shocked to see her on this show...I knew Chrissy back in early 2002 or so (not sure exactly when) when they lived in Massachusetts and she actually volunteered for me and the company I worked for and we sat at times and talked together.. All I know is a couple of people that work with us and I had tried to tell her to leave Charles because when they lived out here he WAS a controlling person towards her and according to her he was abusive too! But he didn't deserve what he got! Its seems like a bad deal all around! She does need to pay for what she did...She should have left. :-(

  34. 3 of us friends knew charlie for years . This whole story is tragic . We often wondered what happended and just where the girls are . I remember telling both of them , separately that they should get a divorce - Charlie did not want that - he loved loved loved his girls and he always told me he could not divorce due to his religon . In hind sight - they should have left each other . I pray for the peace and love of Christ for all . Shirley

  35. Thank you for your comment Shirley. I'd like to hear more. I knew he loved those girls. They loved him a lot too. It's a shame they ended up in custody of the same ding-bats that raised Chrissy. I knew that his love for their girls, and his religion prevented him from divorcing the bitch. I think Chrissy decided it would be better to murder him, because if she divorced him she wouldn't get all that insurance money. I found out that it was about $300,000.

  36. I just saw the story of this case on Diabolical. I can't speak for your intentions in regards to turning her in or speaking of the case afterwards. However, I can't see why anyone would think turning her in was a bad idea. Circumstances being what they may in that relationship, she was not justified to commit a murder. That's just my two cents.

  37. Hey Kevin, I'm not sure if my comments are being moderated and that's why they take time to appear, or if I'm not doing something right (I'm on an iPad) but hey I just saw the story on Diabolical. You did the right thing. I came here searching google for your blog. First I found a news report about it, and finally found the link and was able to get here. You did right by yourself, you did right by those girls, and you did right by God. I'm not even sure if believe in God, and therefor maybe I'm not qualified to say what's right by God or not.

    But, that's my opinion. I mean the case came to you it's not like you interjected yourself in it. You meet someone on a site and attempt to have some type of friendship/connection come about, and the next thing you know this person confesses a murder. That's pretty heavy stuff.

  38. how does a "man of god" change the locks to the doors on the person that opened their home to him?

    you are a sorry sack of shit, i can't wait for you to be out of our neighborhood...

  39. You fucked that ugly bitch??
    Love is truelly blind and so are you.

  40. dude, they were soulmates, lol

  41. Don't dude me buddy... i don't know you.

  42. Man of God? He can say that with a straight face?!

  43. A man of God can be a thrill-seeking, shady drifter with a criminal past, like me. Or, he can even be a chemically dependent, sadomasochistic arsonist on welfare, like you, Anonymous. Try not to stereotype. When you judge others, remember what Jesus said; “the rule you use to measure others will be used to measure you.” When I walk into church, with a very straight face, I genuflect as make the sign of the cross and I say “Abba Father, my Lord and my God, I am your child, your prince and your slave.” I’m self-aware enough to know that I do things to disappoint God. But I love Him and do my best to please Him no matter what shitty situations I find myself in. I live in hope of being resurrected to eternal life, and maybe even hearing from Him; “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Until that day, I truly don’t give a fuck what any worldly assholes like you think of me.

  44. are you talking about yourself? kind of funny there was a fire in ND. odd. and you admit yourself to smoking dope. For someone who is a believer, you don't make them look very are the very reason people say church is full of hypocrites. you may be very surprised where you end up on judgement day, don't flatter yourself. no one is buying it but you.

  45. then why are you defending yourself? If you love God, you should love his creation, and
    treat people with respect and stop inspiring hatred. You don't follow the footsteps of Jesus...where does it bear fruit in your life? Not in the way you treat your brothers and sisters.

  46. I am the way the truth and the light. No one can come to the Father except through me...I notice you go right to the Father....never mentioning Jesus. Is it because you lack humility or because you are not humble? Jesus...who healed the centurions ear.....ask do you live? By hurting others? Do you apologize for your behavior? You are held accountable for you actions....and only God sees you for what you are. You will also experience, on judgement day...every reaction, interaction, you had with God's creation. YOU will experience the pain, anger and aggravation you caused in OTHER peoples lives, and you will be ashamed, not bragging and boastful... like you are now.

  47. And Jesus answered and said,.... Not to the question of the disciples, but either to Peter, who had done this rash action; and so the Persic and Ethiopic versions add, "to him"; or else to the multitude,

    suffer ye thus far; or to them both, to Peter to stop his hand, to proceed no further, but put up his sword; and so the Arabic version reads, "refrain thyself"; and to the multitude to be easy, and not revenge the affront that was given them: and in order to pacify them, "he went to the wounded man", as the Persic version inserts,

    and he touched his ear and healed him; which shows, that though the human nature of Christ was in a very low condition, yet he still retained the power of doing miracles; and also his great humanity, by which example be confirmed his precept of doing good to enemies; and likewise hereby gave full proof of his willingness to be apprehended by them; for otherwise, he that wrought such a miracle as this, could easily have delivered himself out of their hands; and one would have thought this would have put a stop to them, and have convinced them of the truth of his being a divine person, and the Messiah. you walk in the path of Jesus, or the man that sliced his ear? To call yourself a man of God, it should be reflected in your words and your works, and you need to be born again, of the water and the spirit. Are you?

  48. Ask yourself...whom do you serve??? Do you walk in the spirit of vengance, pride, arrogance, hostility, greed.....or do you truly try to be a disciple of Jesus? What example can you give of forgiveness in YOUR life?

  49. Make a list of people you consider enemies and stir hatred with, and make a list of the people you forgive and strive for peace with....if both sides are not equal, you are not worthy of such a title. Your salvation is by the Grace of God only, not because you have earned it. So remember that, and humble yourself.

  50. When I was a child, I spoke like a child.....when I became a man, I put away childish things...

    Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

    When I was a child I spake as a child,.... That cannot speak plain, aims at words rather than expresses them, delivers them in a lisping or stammering manner: hereby the apostle illustrates the then present gift of speaking with divers tongues, which was an extraordinary gift of the Spirit, was peculiar to some persons, and what many were very fond of; and yet this, in its highest degree and exercise, was but like the lisping of a child, in comparison of what will be known and expressed by saints, when they come to be perfect men in heaven:

    I understood as a child; and so does he that understands all mysteries, in comparison of the enlightened and enlarged understandings of glorified saints; the people of God, who are in the highest form and class of understanding, in the present state of things, are but children in understanding; it is in the other world, when they are arrived to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, that they will in understanding be men:

    I thought, or "reasoned",

    as a child; whose thoughts are low and mean, and reasonings very weak; and so are the thoughts and reasonings of such as have all knowledge here below, in comparison of that perfect knowledge, those clear ideas, and strong reasonings of the spirits of just men above:

    but when I became a man, I put away childish things; childish talk, childish affections, and childish thoughts and reasonings; so when the saints shall be grown to the full age of Christ, and are become perfect men in him, tongues shall cease, prophecies shall fail, and knowledge vanish away; and in the room thereof, such conversation, understanding, and knowledge take place, as will be entirely suited to the manly state in glory.

    so you should be maturing in spirit, if you have a criminal past, you should not have a criminal present or future, otherwise, you are still a child spiritually, and once again, not worthy of the title.

  51. One last thing...from a REAL man of God, your faith is not meant to wear the label of "shady drifter" like it is honorable.. Should someone who claims to walk in the light be shady? .Faith is meant to change the world in a POSITIVE way, in every opportunity, and to keep pounding away at it, without giving up or giving in or bending the rules. You cannot, however, change the world, until you can change yourself. Stop settling for being a lukewarm Christian...walk the narrow path.

  52. Are all crimes sins? Are all sins crimes? Was Saint Peter not a child of God because he carried a weapon, with our Lord and Saviour's permission, and used it to defend his friend from those who were out to murder him? My conscience has matured to a point where I can understand double effect, and that the narrow path isn't quite as narrow as some sanctimonious goody-two-shoe Christians would try to make themselves and others believe. Saint John was a drifter, because he was exiled because of his faith. Jacob was shady. How about King David? Definitely a self aggrandizing thrill seeker. I'm not boasting, and I didn't describe myself that way, that was thanks to the Discovery Channel. Yet, I soul search enough to know that I shouldn't dispute it. I know what I'm guilty of, and I know where my virtues shine. But more importantly, as you said, Jesus knows. I know too many Christians that are well behaved only because they don't have the balls to act out even when they should. They walk the Middle of the narrow path because they are afraid to fall in a ditch and get their Sunday clothes dirty. They try to change the world with their polished image and impeccable reputations and wide-eyed, phony Christian joy. They condensed by forgiving people that they don't have the courage to confront with an accusation of a serious offense. I'm spiritually mature enough to know that serious sins need to be confessed with a contrite heart and forgiveness needs to be asked for, before it should be granted. Ironically, it wasn't a pastor or any other "professional Christian" that taught me that. It was a murderer. It was Chrissy. Her confession was one of the most moving things I ever heard. It made me want to become a priest. It made me understand the difference between the publican who stood in the temple beating on his chest with remorse, and the Pharisee who thanked God for making him a REAL man of God, unlike the publican. I'm a man who hopes in his salvation, and doesn't consider it a given because I said some magic words. I won't deny that I judge the character and actions of others, and don't mince words about my findings. But I leave their walk with Christ alone, and I never judge a person's salvation. That is a sin. A Satanic one really, because it is making oneself like God. There are going to be a lot of surprises on Judgement day.

  53. Kevin, i could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure jesus never punched his dog in the head, to the point of giving him cauliflower ear...
    he probably didn't get stoned to the gills before going into work or get caught outside the office building getting high before hanging a lite fixture, bumping his head on it, going to the hospital, quitting that job and then try to extort his ex-boss...

    jesus, if he exsisted, probably just hung out being cool.
    i doubt he would put 1/1000th of the effort you seem to have, in talking about himself.
    he, ghandi, buhdda, the flying spaghetti monster... simply put, they wouldn't put the burden of their poor life decisions on someone else's back the way that you seem to do with almost everyone they meet.
    they wouldn't need to cover a slimey trail of failure with words from an outdated handbook of life rules.
    they wouldn't threaten to 'expose' the people that attempted to help them
    you're a conman.
    the worst kind, you continuelly con yourself into thinking that the crazy schemes you dream up, and try to force on the people around you, will work.
    See you tomorrow kid.

  54. God did not tolerate bad behavior, even David suffered his wrath...the prophet told him there would be division in his family as a result of his choices...and that was God's will. So are you mocking Jesus as a "goody two shoes" christian??
    JOHN 2:6 HE WHO SAYS HE ABIDES IN HIM OUGHT HIMSELF ALSO WALK JUST AS HE WALKED You don't get to do whatever you please, and claim your "I'm a man of God" get-outta-jail card like it's a monopoly game. This is real life and your soul is on the line. You are accountable for your actions, and if you think you are above it all you may just be a narcissistic sociopath, or maybe you need deliverance, because I think you are very much confused as to whom you think you serve.

  55. We should not doubt our salvation, because when Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for us, it was more than enough, in doubting, we are admitting our disbelief. However, you may be correct to hope, because in accepting Jesus and the Holy Spirit, there is a cataclysmic change of the human heart. It is an internal, and should be eternal change. If you are hoping, then you yourself are quite a magician, since your writing and faith are nothing more than an illusion, and proof of the life a man lives when he walks the walk. I know, it's too hard for you, so there should be an exception for YOU is that it? Your special? As your Christian brother, I have every right to hold you accountable my friend, you delude yourself. I ask you again, whom do you serve?
    You seem obsessed by the role you played regarding Charlie's murder, maybe you are just a child seeking attention.

  56. You should open up a bible, because it seems you have much to learn as far as interpreting God's word. As for balls, if you have any, you would walk the walk, not just talk the talk. You hide behind your bad behavior and make excuses for yourself instead of reflecting true change, which takes courage. If you are lukewarm, God will spit you out. From what I can see, your not exactly on fire, yet you make a good smokescreen.

  57. You twist faith to justify your behavior and even sensationalize it. You could not be moved by Chrissy's confession, because you were motivated to sensationalize it. That, is NOT a sincere and contrite heart, stop using faith as your personal excuse.

    A narcissistic sociopath is someone with a combination of narcissistic personality disorder and definitive behavioral signs of sociopathy. People with narcissism are characterized by their excessive and persistent need for others' admiration and positive reinforcement. They generally have grandiose opinions of themselves and believe they are superior to other people. Narcissists are also frequently convinced that they are above the normal responsibilities and obligations of everyday life, so they usually have significant difficulties maintaining employment or relationships as a result. The narcissistic sociopath has this type of personality along with a noticeable lack of regard for the rights of others and a tendency to regularly violate those rights.

    One noted difference between a narcissistic sociopath and people with narcissism alone is that the narcissist with the sociopathy reacts strongly and sometimes even violently to negative feedback. True sociopaths generally do not respond to criticism or care what others may think of them. A narcissistic sociopath is unable to tolerate criticism and needs constant praise, as well as deference from other people. Many with this condition present themselves in the best light possible and are able to easily charm others to gain their trust.

  58. Unless you are the above and do not have the mental fortitude for change, then you should humble yourself, you are not St. Peter, with permission from God, you give yourself permission, which is worthless.


    Lucifer, as you know, had a high position in heaven, he was anointed, until he became self-proclaimed, prideful, and exalted himself. Ever since, every man faces, every day, the decision of who he will bow down to, God or Lucifer. I ask you again, who do you bow down to? Whom do you serve? It isn't the 30 seconds you genuflect in front of some statue, it is your decision, every day, you cannot dwell in the darkness and the light, it is one OR the other. Straighten up, and get the dust off your bible, if you even have one.

  60. Iron sharpens iron. You hanging on to your criminal element makes you about as spiritually sharp as a ripe banana. You staying there makes you the best of the worst. Can you hang with the big boys? Nope, your still not equipped. Not until you let go of your false pride and change. If you want a challenge, if you think your so tough, start a jail ministry. You will have to grow up fast, put on your big-boy bible pants, and have some real faith, or those men will see right through you, maybe you just want to stick to turning in one drug induced sad woman for murder, whose confession fell into your lap, and act like you are cleaning up the world. Is that all you can accomplish with your faith? It's not much, is it?

  61. Behold, he travials with wickedness, and he conceives mischief and brings forth falsehood. He has dug a pit and hollowed it out, and has fallen into the hole which he made.....
    Jeremiah 8:12 Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all, they do not even know how to blush. So they will be brought down when they are punished..


    John 2:4 Whoever says "I know him" but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person.

    Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

    John 2:11 But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going because the darkness has blinded them.

    Job 15:35 ..they conceive trouble and give birth to sin

    how do you conduct yourself?
    so where in the bible does it say it's ok to be YOU again?
    open your eyes, i just gave you a spiritual "ass-whoppin"
    continue to deceive yourself, and your soul is indeed at stake.

  62. as for having the courage to confront with a serious offense, i have confronted you.
    but it seems you are to "daft" to catch on.
    I believe you are a phoney. You use your faith as a smokescreen.
    If your faith is real, prove it. Live it. Let your brothers and sisters say, there goes a man of God, by how you live and how you impact other lives, instead of giving YOURSELF that UNDESERVED title.
    WHOM DO YOU SERVE??? Your own tragic ego? your lust for fame and revenge? your temptations to use drugs? Your cons and scams? None of that is Godly, and so, by your actions, neither are you, you serve one very very far removed from God.

  63. so from the hole in which you dug for yourself, it is hard to experience that wide-eyed christian joy from your perspective, but then again, walking in darkness, you are blind to begin with.

  64. Besides getting yourself a bible, while you are at it...get yourself a dictionary...
    "Sanctimonious" is exactly what you have been called out for "making a hypocritical show of religious devotion" proclaiming your faith in God but not following
    in Jesus' footsteps, not having Gods love for your fellow brothers and sisters. You may be a wolf in sheeps clothing, but your stench gives you away.

  65. the rule you use to measure others will be used to measure you..
    u put down Chrissy for being unemployed, what do YOU do for a living
    u put her down for doing drugs, but so do YOU
    u put her down for being a bad mother, what do your kids think of YOU
    would they give you father of the year award?
    u warned Chrissy not to slander her dead husband, how many people do
    YOU slander,,,people that helped your poor, unemployed and homeless self?
    it's easy being a hypocrite for you isn't it?

  66. Wow, Pastor Psychobabble, you’re really on a roll tonight! Nine well composed messages in two and a half hours. You must either really give a shit about the soul of some guy you’ve never met, or you must be pretty bored. Maybe you’re just trying to impress some girl with this religious dick-measuring contest you’ve challenged me too. Gotta love relativism, huh?

    Did you read Don Holley’s last comment? I can’t say that his assessment was accurate, but he came much closer to pegging me than you have. He used plain language and some facts that he pretty much had first hand knowledge of. Dontcha hate getting out done by an Atheist? “You” haven’t confronted me. “Anonymous” did. So, don’t pin a medal of courage on your chest just yet, Brother. Don used his name, I’ve used mine...Grow some balls and use yours. My guess is you are my recent ex-girlfriend’s Pastor friend, the one who got grossed out by some guy that you invited into your fold, and then later found out he had been in your wife’s fold before you were with her, and you couldn’t handle it. Tough break. But, I’ve had much tougher.

    When my neighbors start pointing their fingers at me and exclaiming “There goes a man of God!” I won’t think I’m starting to become just like Jesus, I’ll start to think I’m becoming just like Joel Olstien...And then I’ll start to worry! Is this what people say about you Pastor Anonymous? I’m not trying to be an example of a good Christian. I’m trying to be a good Christian.

    I didn’t play a role in Charlie’s murder. I played a role in solving the murder. I’m not obsessed with the role I played. But, you gotta admit, it’s the kind of experience that not many people have had. I think about it a lot. It was sensational in of itself. It was dramatic, traumatic, and very moving, in a lot of ways and for a lot of reasons. I wrote about the experience knowing that I would be opening myself up to get picked on. What disappoints me is that no one in religious or secular circles wants to discuss the things that I was hoping to discuss, in a sort of “what would you have done if you were me?” context. I believe in freedom of conscience, so unlike you, I wouldn’t call others daft or blind or servants of Satan if they would have made different decisions than I did in this difficult situation.

    I serve God, the Father best I know how. I don’t mock Jesus. I read my Bible, often. I genuflect before statues. Iconoclasm is a heresy. Did you not get the memo? I don’t commit the sin of presumption. You do, and hold it up as a sign of faith. I’ve pulled off some pretty awesome cons against some predatory shadow banks that desperately deserved it, but I don’t consider myself a con artist. Maybe I am, but it was definitely “Robin Hood” style, and completely legal the way I did it.

    I blog, which means I write an online diary that anyone can read, and enter comments in. It sucks as a writing format, because it comes off as very self centered...and it doesn’t pay shit. But, I’m in pretty deep now...But, so are commenters like you. Please try not to ramble or troll. I appreciate your efforts put forth by commenting, but how about you direct them at the personal experience I’m writing about instead of making half-cocked assessments of my character, faith and psychological health.

    Start by answering a question I asked you like 12 comments ago: Are all crimes sins? I had no legal obligation to turn her in after she confessed to me. Did I have a moral obligation? Should I have had a legal obligation? If Charlie was a child I would have had a legal obligation to report the crime. Should the law discriminate by age or gender? I wonder if you can come up with some practical answers, and apply some of that Bible knowledge of yours to real life.

    1. Don't ever say the phrase, "don holley came close to pegging me".
      That is slander, it's gross, & I don't appreciate your homo-sexual enuendo.
      Is that what you learned in the navy??

    2. Don't ever say the phrase, "don holley came close to pegging me".
      That is slander, it's gross, & I don't appreciate your homo-sexual enuendo.
      Is that what you learned in the navy??

  67. Why don't you answer the question i asked you, whom do you serve?
    You are trying to be a good Christian? What proof do you have of that?
    None. You turned someone in for murder, that makes you a Christian?
    No it does not. You are obsessed with your so called fame, and it does your
    soul no good, because you are not growing as a Christian, obviously.
    Just a little boy looking for attention...

  68. You have got to be a talk and write, well even -great proper use of "whom" even if it might be a little overly formal, but you don't listen and read worth a shit.

    5th paragraph of my one response to your close to a dozen comments...I serve God, the Father best I know how. Look again please.

    Trying to prove I'm a good Christian, if I'm interpreting the Lord's words correctly, would make me the type of believer who blows a trumpet every time he gives alms, or who prays out loud on a crowded street corner instead of alone in a closet. I'm not looking for any earthly reward for my good and wholesome deeds. There is way more money and enjoyment in the sketchy shit I do to get paid. The good things I've done and do are for treasure in Heaven, and sometimes, like solving a murder, are for the thrill and to have a good story to tell my readers, television audience and my Grandkids. The little bit of crappy "fame" I've gotten means nothing more to me than promotion for the book I'm going to publish. No one but God Almighty, whom I serve, needs to know about the fruit that my faith in Christ has produced. Why should I give you a list? So I can prove wrong some cowardly, anonymous blog troll who wants to prove him or herself a good good judge of bad character? As I said before, I couldn't give a single shit about your assessment of me, a man you don't know much about and hasn't walked two steps in my shoes...

    You do write well, and you are a thinker and a seeker, and I don't doubt that you serve our Heavenly Father like I do, as best you can. I would respect and appreciate your opinions if, as I asked you before, you directed them at my conclusions and questions, not at my character. It's not your job to prove to me that I don't really love God. That is Satan's job, and that douche bag is much better at it than you will ever be.

  69. You are very much mistaken, it is you who is deaf, as well as blind. You need to prove it to yourself. If you were confident in your faith, you would not seek the "sketchy shit" and the fruit would manifest in your life, by the manner in which you speak, the work you do and the lives you touch. Thus, you would not be here, desperately defending your shallow and self-serving faith. Your character does matter and should reflect the light of Jesus. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself, whom do you serve. The evil that misguides foolish souls into thinking we can serve both, seems to be in control here. Unless you are happy being an over-ripe banana, strive for true spiritual maturity and let it show. Goodbye.

  70. "There is way more enjoyment in..." your words, your admission, you do not find joy in God, nor in serving Him, In psalm 63, David himself, longs for that "wide eyed Christian Joy" you mock.
    In a dry and thirsty land, where there is no water,
    so i have looked for you in the sanctuary,
    to see your power and your glory
    because your lovingkindness is better than life.

    You are a fool, not referring to your mental incompetence, but spiritual insensitivity and corruption. Again, whom do you serve? I doubt you can make the correlation between the fruits of the spirit, and being compared to an over-ripe banana, because you are relying on your own strength.

    Why do you boast, o evil and mighty man
    the goodness of God endures continually
    Your tongue devises destruction
    like a sharp razor, working deceitfully
    You love evil more than good,
    Lying rather than speaking righteousness,

    Create in me a clean heart, O God
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

    If the holy spirit was residing in you, you would be blowing a trumpet,
    celebrating, and that would be all the thrill seeking you would ever need.
    You need to be born again, of water and spirit.

  71. Like most blog dialog, this is going in circles. I had high hopes in blogging, and really good intentions. But, like most things in the last ten years of my earthly life, they haven't come to be. Let me try to agree with you, one more time.

    Yes, character matters!! The outward appearance of character does not. One can be "all white-washed on the outside, but on the inside full of a dead man's bones." I'm not claiming to be an expert judge of character, not even of my own character, but I've been to jail and to church and I can witness to the fact that there a lot of people on the wrong side of the bars.

    Let's address "sketchy shit" and "wide-eyed Christian joy." And let me ask you once again, the question you keep avoiding because you probably can't get your head around semi-complicated theological concepts...Are all crimes sins and are all sins crimes?

    I've worked extremely hard, all my life, and earned my living in many ways. I've become very poor for the first time in my life, and have been ridiculed for it. I don't give a shit. I've done sketchy things to earn that living. I like the word "sketchy" because it doesn't just mean "illegal" it can mean shady, or dangerous. I've built, repaired and trafficked weapons of mass destruction. Totally legal as a US service member and as a machinist for a defense contractor...even honorable from the point of view of some. Maybe you have it all figured out, but at 47, I'm still fascinated and sometimes confused by the juxtaposition of faith in Heaven and work on earth. I've stood many watches on a ship loaded with bombs, with a loaded rifle in my hands, ready to shoot and kill anyone that I was ordered to...while I prayed.

    I've been a commercial fisherman (like a few of the Lord's disciples) Talk about sketchy! I've spent ten days, 200 miles out to sea on a 40' boat, in 16' seas, with schools of sharks circling the boat, working past the point of exhaustion, non-stop on barely four hours sleep. Isn't it sketchy to risk your life for a $2,000 paycheck? I think so. But, what a thrill. What an adventure! In this work I saw a perfect example of a situation where it is a sin NOT to commit a felony...but I can't put it in writing.

    I was a mortgage originator. I participated in a completely legal scheme that caused the housing market and economy crash that I also became a victim of. I made three times the amount of money I made fishing, but in my PJs, in front of my computer, in the safety of my own home. The only sharks I saw wore ties. This was by far the sketchiest thing I've ever done, but totally legal. I positioned myself in a way where I never ripped off a consumer. But man, did I rip off the banks...can't talk about that in writing either.

    So let me answer my own question, seeing that you refuse. Not all crimes are sins. Not all sins are crimes. Some “sketchy” things are both, or neither.

  72. As far as "wide-eyed Christian joy"...You are misquoting me. I said PHONY wide-eyed Christian joy. I know the joy of the Lord. I've felt it to the point of tears. I also know the peace and the freedom that comes with faith. People seem to me to be obsessed with happiness. Maybe it's the "life liberty and pursuit of happiness" clause we all learn about in our American History class... I know Christians who act like joy is a proof of faith and salvation. Sometimes, for some, just "living" is that proof. Sometimes even those who love God face trials that cause fear and sadness and despair to the point of suicide. Yet, hope --a form and expression of faith for believers and unbelievers alike-- gives them the strength to bear another day and look forward to a better tomorrow. Grief, poverty, depression, strife, imprisonment, loneliness, etc. are human conditions that even the most faithful are confronted with. True brothers and sisters in Christ should encourage and support those trying their best to hope and to cope. But, people like you will instead add to their woes by telling them they don't have faith because they don't have joy and the dire circumstances they are in are their own fault and / or God's just punishment.

    Here is a quote, from memory, from the Book of Job:

    I know that my redeemer lives. In the end He will stand upon the Earth. Even if my flesh has already rotted off my bones, still in my flesh I will see God. With my own eyes I will see him. I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me. So if you go around saying "how shall we hound him, because after all, the root of the problem lies within him?" then you should fear the sword yourselves. For in the end, wrath will bring punishment by the sword, and then you will know there is Justice.

  73. crimes/sins

    before you become a Man of God, you must be a CHILD of GOD, that you may become blameless and pure,
    children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation...
    then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

    do you shine when you try to blurr the lines between crimes and sins, or choose which sins you can get away with?

    In your household, you must have rules, when you have visitors, you would welcome the ones that respect all your rules, thus showing you respect for you and your household...would you welcome the guest that only obeyed SOME of your rules, picking and choosing and disregarding what is important to you in your own home?
    How about the guest that obeys none of them? Obviously, the guest that obeys and respects all your rules is the one that would be the most welcome, and the others,
    you may choose not to let them enter. Think about it, it's not rocket science.

    James 3:18
    Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

    Jesus said the peacemakers will be the children of God, not those who aggressively
    butt heads with everyone in their way and will do anything to get ahead.

    Proverbs 3:3-8
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart...
    and lean not on your own understanding
    and he will make your path straight
    Do not be wise in your own eyes
    fear the Lord and shun evil....

    Even in times of extreme circumstance, there can be peace, and even joy, that is what it means to be in this world, but not of it.

    Do not make the mistake of being double-minded, or twist the doctrine of double effect to suit your own self-serving needs, double-minded, "unstable in all his ways" -not a foundation that works, as it does not bring peace, it leads to confusion. Our God is not a God of confusion. Peace should be reflected in your conduct with everyone, war is turning 180 degrees from God's purpose.

  74. Your stories and work experience are full of double talk, none of your work experiences or life circumstances give you an excuse to sin, or break the law. There are people with circumstances much worse than yours, that wouldn't even think of stealing a sandwich, and then call themselves a man of God. Since Adam, we are born marked with sin, Jesus died for our sins, but to erase that mark, we must first submit to Jesus in all our ways.

  75. Colossians 2:8
    See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which
    depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than Christ...

    While you are smoking dope, choosing which laws and sins you need to break to fulfill your own selfish purposes and desires, and making war with your brothers and sisters, you are not following Christ.

  76. Smoking Dope:
    Gal. 5:19-21: “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are . . . practice of spiritism, . . . revelries, and things like these. . . . Those who practice such things will not inherit God’s kingdom.” (The literal meaning of the Greek word phar·ma·ki′a, here rendered “practice of spiritism,” is “druggery.” An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W. E. Vine, in commenting on this Greek word, says: “In sorcery, the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets, etc., professedly designed to keep the applicant or patient from the attention and power of demons, but actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious resources and powers of the sorcerer.” [London, 1940, Vol. IV, pp. 51, 52] Similarly today, many who use drugs are involved in spiritistic practices or associate with those who are, because a blank mind or one that
    experiences hallucinations is easy prey to the demons. Compare Luke 11:24-26.)

  77. Thou shalt not steal....remember that one?
    Just one of the ten commandments.
    we are to obey the laws of men...

    Thessalonians 4:6
    That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such.

    2 Cor 7:1
    Since we have these promises, (promises of God) beloved ones let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit-perfecting holiness in God's fear.

    So...stop being pig-headed, stop using your faith like a cape you put on when you feel like it to make you look like one of the good guys. You give Christians a bad name. Actually BE good. Live well. Live honest. You write about people who have given you
    grief, but what about yourself? Accept it, and know that you still have to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, no matter what happens. NO exceptions.
    You have quite a bit of bible reading to do, and I suggest you don't do it by yourself, since you are twisting things around.

  78. **choose which sins you can get away with?

    No one gets away with sins. God is omniscient. Law enforcement is not. So lots of people, myself included, and even Chrissy Billis for a time, get away with crimes. I thought this blog would encourage discussion about our moral and legal rights and responsibilities when we gain knowledge of a crime. Instead it’s all about assassinating my character --which I don’t even hold in high esteem.

    Why do I have to keep asking you to adhere to Robert's rule "Judge the measure, not the man?" You know nothing about my character and even less about my faith. How ironic --Anonymous-- that you would accuse me of using a disguise! Stop picking on me now. It’s boring. If you have so much wisdom, Bible knowledge, and moral discernment then use this forum I’m giving you --to say anything you want, without signing your name to it-- to at least be interesting.

    My speaking of my life's experiences is not double talk. It's speaking openly about double effect, as well as I understand it. I can't think of a single thing I've done in life that was "absolutely good" and didn't involve to some degree, directly or indirectly, something bad or potentially bad. I'm not trying to whine about it. I'm just trying to discuss it. As a Bible-believing Christian, I'm fascinated by the correlation between what we profess and what we do. As a free American, I'm fascinated by the laws of our society and our rights and responsibilities under them. I know it's not rocket science. But it isn't as simple as you say "obey the ten commandments."

    I have ancestors who were very active abolitionists. My cousin, Charles Godfrey Leland, coined the term “Emancipation,” and even advised Lincoln. He and his brother, who was mortally wounded, fought in the civil war. According to your oversimplified Biblical exegesis, they were breaking God’s “house rules” and were contrary to His purpose. Of course peacemakers will always be called the children of God...But does the Bible say that soldiers never will? What about the underground railroad? According to Christian slave owners, that was a huge conspiracy to steal their property. Scripture and law backed up their stupid ideas. It takes independence and freedom of conscience to dwell along the blurry lines between right and wrong, and change stupid ideas.

    Please think for yourself when you respond. Don’t regurgitate googled Bible verses to try to prove that I’m in asshole. Of course I’m an asshole. So are you. That’s been known since Eve swallowed the first bite of forbidden fruit. This is supposed to be a discussion, generally, about faith and law. Specifically, how faith and law, and doctrines of double effect and just war relate to the murder of Charlie Billis, and the investigation that led to the arrest and conviction of his wife who ended his life without just cause.

  79. thou shall not covet another man's house, no matter how tiny or vast...

  80. Google is convenient for those of us whose fingers are too thick to type, and a bible is something you should carry, I doubt you do. If you know your an "asshole", then don't call yourself a man of God, it's an insult, even to secular men. I am merely pointing out what a man of God is supposed to represent, which is what you should aspire to be, if you were not so obsessed with yourself. Why did it take you eight weeks to turn her in? Did you find out she wasn't as pliable as you thought and she refused to do your dirty work? Why would you want to befriend murderers otherwise? If God is with you, what do you need murderous friends for? How many Christian friends do you have? Zero? Maybe you are too vulgar to have any at all. You are a very confused man. I would like to blame the dope you smoke, but who knows, maybe you are just too thick to get it, that's too bad. Like Ezekiel, I have done what the bible says I should do, the rest is up to you. It doesn't look good, but will pray for you. Goodbye.

  81. you just preached to the chaff....give up. nobody's home.

  82. Do you have actual proof that your ancestor advised Abraham Lincoln? A genealogy link? Letters from anscestors??
    Personally, I'd rather trumpet that, if it were true, than 99.999% of any of the other BULLSHIT you seem to ramble on & on about yourself here or on any other site that you've mired.
    In what world does being known for waiting 8 weeks to turn a murderer in possibly out weigh being a descendent of an advisor to Abraham Lincoln?
    Did he also smoke more weed than he could handle? Break into the house he was staying in because he forgot his key? Break coffee mugs, brooms that weren't his, not say anything about it and think the owner wouldn't notice??
    Did he change the locks to doors on someone that opened his home to him?
    Did he threaten, attempt to manipulate or pay off people that tried to help him?
    Is that what most 'godly' people do?
    Fuck you & fuck your idea of a god Kevin, you don't really beleive in it, your actions speak for themselves.
    The only person you seem capable of convincing otherwise is yourself.
    The only person in your family that has a shred of faith in anything you say is your son, & who do you have to thank for that?


  84. I wish you anonymous assholes would at least take pen names. I have Christian friends. Some of them are vulgar. Some of them have killed people. It used to be that Protestants were great for understanding that Cristianity is a very personal relationship with God. It isn't about representing a social club or political party. They also taught me that the Bible is a supernatural message of love, from God...Not an out dated book of rules. They taught salvation by Grace. Not by good behavior. Stop telling me to read the Bible. I do. Jesus does not require all of us to be pacifists. You finally asked me a question that can bring this discussion back to the point of this blog: Why did I wait eight weeks to turn her in?

    Because I wanted to make sure that she didn't have a justifiable reason for committing the homicide.

    So let me ask you a tough question, even though I know you don't have the spiritual maturity to answer it: If Charlie was terrorizing his wife and children, in unmentionable ways, do you think she would have been justified in killing him?

    I do. I would not have turned her in. I would have taken my chances with breaking the law, possibly, by being an accomplice after the fact. I would have been a good friend to her and her daughters. I would have protected them from any more violence...with violence if necessary. I would have made sure no one else except her daughters, when they were old enough, knew her secret. I would have encouraged her to keep it that way. What would you have done? Go ahead and page through your Bible concordance for "What to do when a widow you meet on an online dating site confesses to murder."

  85. asshole IS full of shit. so there goes your credibility, butthead. and your claim
    to be a man of God, along with anything else you say. it all stinks.

  86. wow.. i think there are alot of people that would like to fold you in half and stuff you into a garbage can, because you deserve it. It would be justifiable. but, they have more Christianity in their little finger then you have in your entire body, so they deal with you mercifully. You on the other hand, are an asshole to everyone.

  87. looks like the pastor is gone, there goes your only friend, dickhead.

  88. maybe there should be a friends of Kevin Leland webpage. I think it would be empty. or maybe one of people who have experience with him firsthand, since he loves to write about and expose other people. it would be just.

  89. No you would not have done that. You would have used her secret to manipulate her and control her and her kids, because that is what you do. You threaten to slander anyone who stands up for what they think is right, or does not want to follow your lead. Even Charlie is rolling over in his grave. your so full of shit.

  90. why did you keep Chrissy's daughters from seeing their own grandparents? so you could control them? you call them scum, so were they better off with a vulgar, asshole pothead?

  91. You assholes are clueless. You are talking about things you know nothing about. You think you are in my head? You know what I would have done? Think about it. I had a recording of her saying "I planned to murder Charlie for months and months, and did it in a way that I would never get caught." I knew she had a big chunk of insurance money coming (the pay-off she was looking for, and her main motivation for murdering him)...and, just a few weeks prior to that, the bitch threatened to kill me, and then one of her sketchy fuck-buddies came 300 miles to show up at my job-site, looking for me. Instead of going to the police with that recording, I could have black mailed her for the insurance money she was going to collect...then drove HER into a tree. Instead, I did "the right thing" ...But man, what shitty results! It's a good thing I was taught in Catholic High School to make good decisions, even though sometimes good decisions have bad results and visa versa. That philosophy has saved my life, and the lives of others. But it has never made my life easier, or more rewarding in the worldly sense. But, I'm sticking to my guns.

    I don't slander anyone. Look up the definition. The best defense against a charge of slander is truth. I expose people's bullshit when they bust my balls like you anonymous-es are doing.. When they cry "slander" I smile, and reply "prove it."

    I didn't keep the girls from Chrissy's douche-bag parents. In fact, I made breakfast for her mother and friend the day after Chrissy went to jail, and she thanked me for all my hard work, moving the girls and their pets out of the disgusting house they lived in and setting them up in a decent, clean apartment. She was grateful that I was their guardian. I made the mistake of giving Chrissy's father my own address, thinking we were going meet there to discuss living arrangements and the girls' future...He showed up with the police, after lying, and saying I wasn't allowing him to see them. Then, I had to move because he, in cahoots with Chrissy's drug dealers, made more threats. Then, he took over the apartment that I set up for his grand daughters. Then they pulled some other bullshit that makes me want to stomp their asses.

    Charlie knew what crazy dysfunctional scumbags Chrissy's parents are, so if he is rolling over in his grave, that she put him in, it's because the same morons that raised her, are now raising his girls. They would have been so much better off with his side of the family.

  92. The only thing you know, is that I like to get my smoke on. Big deal. I'm one of the most sober, un-addicted people I know. I haven't touched weed in months. I can take it or leave it. The only thing I do that is bad for my physical and mental health, is remain poor. But, that isn't intentional. And, I'm pretty sure it isn't permanent.

    I'm not bragging about not being addicted. I'm just lucky in that (one) area, especially because I never understood how addiction can easily happen to the best of people, until recently, when I saw some people close to me fall victim. I promote the "straight edge" lifestyle, even if I don't live it 100%. Pot and alcohol are not a danger to me. But that doesn't mean it is safe for everyone. However, my life's experiences have shown me that alcohol is much more dangerous than pot for most people. Both, I think, are less dangerous than some of the shit doctors prescribe for people, from pain killers to happy pills and tranquilizers. All of that, combined with selfishness, greed and poverty is what caused Chrissy to murder her husband, and ruin her life and the lives of her daughters. My involvement in her mess has done a lot to make my already difficult life, more difficult. But, I learned some valuable lessons. I'd like to pass them on, but nobody in the blogesphere seems to give a shit about drawing a lesson from some one else's strange and dramatic experiences. So much for the marketplace of ideas. You assholes just want to criticize and ridicule and be arm chair quarter backs. You know that you never could have handled this situation. Period. Never mind thinking you would have done it better than I did. You can't even offer anything of value, in hindsight, to the discussion. You are all spectators. You're voyeurs. Remember, in the old days, you had to buy a ticket to see a train wreck. So, "you're welcome" for the free the expense of a man's life.

    Yes, I'm vulgar. So was Charlie. On his behalf, and for myself, I want to say to you all:

    Fuck you!

    Happy Easter! It's beautifully amazing how well we will all get along after our resurrection. We won't murder each other, we won't curse and slander each other, we won't rip each other off, we won't judge each other's faith because we won't even need faith anymore. We will see God face to face, and we will see the spirit of God in each other. Imagine? There is a light of hope in all this darkness.

    -Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ!

  93. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I had to delete this comment. It was obscene slander. That is not allowed here. I don't care how negative a comment is, or if vulgar language is used to express that opinion. But sometimes comments cross the line of free speech and become criminal.

    2. Wait a second, you're suddenly not good with criminal activity?
      Have you not braggadociously boasted of your, "Catch me if you can?", exploits of defrauding banks of thousands of dollars???
      Of bringing 'justice' as you see fit to other criminals? Although 8 weeks after the fact.
      Who, in your tiny mind, do you think your are? Batman?
      Or some 'right hand of jesus'?

      It's pretty clear from all your writings, here and elsewhere on the internet, that you are dillusional.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The only things you know about me and my relationship with my family, is what I chose to let you know.

      You are the one that continues to make these 'messes' Kevin. The sooner you realize that, the less messes you'll leave behind. But that's not what you want is it?
      The 38 Ethel St. Failure is gonna keep right on chugging huh?
      you can't commit to anything.
      even when you tried to claim squatters rights... you gave up! in classic cheese eating surrender monkey fashion...
      you couldn't show up to claim your garbage pickings like you said you would. not once or twice, bit three times...
      news flash mr. lawn gnome wanna be, no one is putting their life on hold for a person like you.

      when you failed to bully your ex girlfriend into marriage or what you wanted her to do, like stealing a 800# piece of concrete with a 4 cylinder S10 for your precious land deal, you thought you might be able to take advantage of me.
      When that didn't turn out how you wanted, you changed the locks to my house and pleaded to not get the police involved while threatening to call probation... BTW, that made all the sense in the world, if you happen to be completely retarded...

      and low and behold you're threatening me again with, "we'll see what YOU lose if I don't get my things back"...
      bitch ass weak.

      you said "2-3 months, till i finish my tiny house and the land deal goes through".
      That was the arrangement.
      & what it turned out to be, was you and that smelly fucking dog that you punch in the head when you're feeling good because you have no control over him, who in fact has larger balls than what you have dangling between your legs, trying to run my life, & rearrange my home.

      "You should work for me, I'll right everything off, it'll work great for me..."
      yeah, I'm gonna commit to working for the mess of a human being that you are...

      when you got fired and you started scrambling, the real you showed up, Mr. Hyde...
      hordeing my family belongings and scouring the internet to find out how much they were worth. Short-selling them without producing so much as a link to the auctions & supposedly paying more for shipping them, then what you sold them for...

      & then you got rehired!
      & you started buying dope from your boss to stay on his good side. Comprimising any 'moral' or 'godly' values you might have had in order to stay in his good graces.
      You and Bossy Brett became so close that you became known as Brett Jr.

      Oh the stories go on & on don't they??

      you signed for your certified envelope.
      & again, if you are sincerely interested in reclaiming your abandoned items, call the number on the notarized letter.
      it's that simple stupid

  94. "Fuck You!
    Praise the lord..."


    you're so pathetic & you don't even realize it...


  95. and the lord spoke onto me...
    "let there be lobsters, somewhat fresh from Maine, shipped illegally to North Dakato, so that thou may break even on gas moneys"

  96. "Wah-wah-wah, poor me. I love god but he's foresaken me.
    All these people are picking on me..."
    Because you're a dumbass user that targets people you think are weaker than you.
    You created this blog dumby.
    It can go away with one swipe of YOUR keystroke.
    Go on and act as if anyone one else that has real-world exchanges with you doesn't count.
    That's your M.O. anyway.
    Then we can all move on to your next webpage presence, & the one after that, and so on...
    This is easy for us, this is fun, free time to 'expose' the exposer...
    There is one of you.
    You've pissed off a lot of people & we're tired of your bullshit.
    What would a wise man do?

  97. Hey Dumby, learn how to spell. I'm not whining. My only complaint about getting picked on, is that it's boring, and it reveals how stupid the anonymous masses are in the blogesphere. God has never forsaken me. I don't target anyone for harm. I always approach people with good, helpful and cooperative intentions. Then, if they turn on me, I let them know it. I try to make peace. When that doesn't happen, the fight is on. I fight hard. I fight fair. I enjoy it, even when I don't win, or when they end up in the hospital and I end up in jail. Or they end up in jail, and I make $1.92 per month exposing their bullshit online. There is a freedom in poverty and a peace in faith that I wouldn't trade for a million bucks. I've got nothing to lose. That's my M.O.. People who fuck with me should realize this before they decide to take me on in battle instead of accepting my offers for peace. I don't know what a wise man would do. But, for now, I've got my reasons for leaving my content posted. I don't expect to be wise until I'm 60 years old. I got 13 more years to go. Then I'll probably look back on all this shit I've said and say "Wow, those assholes were right. I was a real dumby!"

  98. text from 1-401-304-6368

    "Go away. I'll send you an email..." 5:31pm 2-19-2015

    "That note from u this morning was the last straw. Im not taking anymore of ur shit..." 5:43pm 2-19-2015

    "Go somewhere where u dn. And where u can sleep ur not staying here tonight Sorry..." 5:47pm 2-19-2015

    "Your not my landlord anymore. Im a tenant of the new owners..." 5:51pm 2-19-2015

    "I cant get vm. Lets to this on record on email. Man tn man. No cops. Please." 6:09pm 2-19-2015

    how stoned were ya Kevin?
    it must have seemed like such a good idea at the time, huh?
    to lock me out of my house, then ask, "please don't involve the cops"...

    "I'm interested in learning all the nuances of law between the states..."

    How much has this lesson one cost so far?

  99. you were taught in catholic high school and fired by the parish council. your a real piece of work. who's gonna end up in the hospital? is that a threat shit-for-brains? your a liar.
    and your a pothead, and your stupid, and most of us that would have met Chrissy would have YES! handled it much much better than you. that is why you get so much criticism dipshit.

  100. as for the resurrection, it won't happen for you if you murder, slander and steal. You hooked up with Chrissy because you wanted her to do your dirty work and your too much of a pussy to go to jail for it yourself, and you do steal and drugs, etc...So no resurrection for you, and thank God! I think Chrissy's opinion of you would be more reputable than yours of her. Where's her webpage? for peace...peace only on your terms is not peace, because you are not peaceful anyhow.

  101. batman!!!!! lmao!!!!!!

  102. you wouldn't have to negotiate peace if you didn't start trouble in the first place boywonder.

  103. eventually your bullshit catches up with you. you wont be able to blog about how much you love god and continue to shit all over people. liar.

  104. I didn’t start any trouble with you, Don. But I’m going to finish it. You started this trouble with me. You can’t handle having a roommate, obviously, because even when your own wife and kids got on your nerves, you set the house on fire, putting them out on the street.

    It worked out great for you, unbelievably. You get mollycoddled by society because you can’t cope with the adult pressures of work and family. After your psycho-arrest, you got on welfare. You got treatment for your issues. You got to stay in your house and play video games all day. You didn’t pay the mortgage. You made a deal with me for $70.00 per week plus...Then I got on your nerves. But, you kept taking my money with one hand, while pushing me out the door with the other.

    You “opened your home to me” ...Bullshit. I paid you, on time, every penny and then some. I wasn’t your guest, I was your tenant. Your house is a dump. You are a filthy slob. Who besides your friend and neighbor, Cindy, and that psycho-killer this blog is about, leaves dog shit on the floor and walls for weeks, and eats and sleeps in the same room with it?

    I cleaned your dog’s shit. Then, you revoke my toaster oven privileges because I forget, and leave the broiler pan on top of it when I’m done using it. What an asshole you are. You got all bent out of shape because I cooked and served you a meal. I was hospitable to you, my landlord, and you complained. You took lots of money from me, that you didn’t report to welfare, and then turned around and tried to call me your ungrateful “guest.”

    Now you are renegging, in classic Rochester style, on our agreements that I have in writing (text) -to store my stuff until I can come back and get it. You and that “twat” (your word, not mine...not that I disagree) tried your best to get me arrested for a thought crime...Just to hear from the police that you have a civil matter with me.

    Keep busting my balls. Get rid of my things. Then we’ll see what YOU lose. Or, stop busting my balls, let me get my stuff, let’s make peace, settle our accounts and forget each other. It’s up to you.

  105. *as for the resurrection, it won't happen for you if you murder, slander and steal.*

    Get a grip, Kiddo. Didn't Joel Olstein teach you that everyone, lost or saved, gets resurrected? Get an understanding of murder, slander and stealing as well. It's not as black and white as you think in your illogical mind.

    Take slander for instance. You can tell any stranger on the Interweb all your personal and family secrets. If they are true, no matter what bad light they may put your relatives in, it is not slander. Because you told them, in writing, to someone you never even met, you can have no expectation of privacy. Your emails become as much his property as if he wrote them himself.

    When he mails them to the people they are about, or posts them online because he gets sick of your ridiculous bullshit of bad-mouthing him and everyone else you know, or think you know...What recourse do you have? I'm not sure. No matter what, it will suck for you to find out.

    I suggest you start formulating your apologies to those you've offended (behind their backs) -and stop busting my balls. Let me get my stuff. Let's close out the land deal that you and those other assholes made a complete mess of with your "Rochester renegging." Let's make peace, settle our accounts and forget each other. It's up to you.

  106. Wow... yet another "Rhode Island Railroading" threat.
    let's assess it for what it is, shall we?

    a. It's coming from the king of failing to follow through.
    b. You're broke.
    c. You have no license. And your Jeep was most likely impounded when you were ticketed for unlicensed operation in MA.
    d. It's a felonious offense to cross state lines with intent to harrass, extort or assault someone.

    You are the one that continues to make these 'messes' Kevin. The sooner you realize that, the less messes you'll leave behind. But that's not what you want is it?
    The 38 Ethel St. Failure is gonna keep right on chugging huh?
    you can't commit to any one thing.
    even when you tried to claim squatters rights... you gave up! in classic cheese eating surrender monkey fashion...
    you couldn't show up to claim your garbage pickings like you said you would. not once or twice, bit three different times that you said you'd be here...
    news flash lawn gnome, no one is putting their life on hold for a person like you.

    when you failed to bully your ex girlfriend into marriage or what you wanted her to do, like stealing a 800# piece of concrete with a 4 cylinder S10 for your precious land deal, you thought you might be able to take advantage of me.
    When that didn't turn out how you wanted, you changed the locks to my house and pleaded to not get the police involved while threatening to call probation... BTW, that made all the sense in the world, if you happen to be completely retarded...

    and low and behold you're threatening me again with, "we'll see what YOU lose if I don't get my things back"...
    bitch ass weak.

    you said "2-3 months, till i finish my tiny house and the land deal goes through".
    That was the arrangement.
    & what it turned out to be, was you and that smelly fucking dog that you punch in the head when you're feeling good because you have no control over him, who in fact has larger balls than what you have dangling between your legs, trying to run my life, & rearrange my home.

    "You should work for me, I'll right everything off, it'll work great for me..."
    yeah, I'm gonna commit to working for the mess of a human being that you are...

    when you got fired and you started scrambling, the real you showed up, Mr. Hyde...
    hordeing my family belongings and scouring the internet to find out how much they were worth. Short-selling them without producing so much as a link to the auctions & supposedly paying more for shipping them, then what you sold them for...

    & then you got rehired!
    & you started buying dope from your boss to stay on his good side. Compromising any 'moral' or 'godly' values you might have had in order to stay in his good graces.
    You and Bossy Brett became so close that you became known as Brett Jr.

    Oh the stories go on & on don't they??

    you signed for your certified envelope.
    & again, if you are sincerely interested in reclaiming your abandoned items, call the number on the notarized letter.
    it's that simple stupid

  107. Wow... yet another "Rhode Island Railroading" threat.
    let's assess it for what it is, shall we?

    a. It's coming from the king of failing to follow through.
    b. You're broke.
    c. You have no license. And your Jeep was most likely impounded when you were ticketed for unlicensed operation in MA.
    d. It's a felonious offense to cross state lines with intent to harrass, extort or assault someone.

    You are the one that continues to make these 'messes' Kevin. The sooner you realize that, the less messes you'll leave behind. But that's not what you want is it?
    The 38 Ethel St. Failure is gonna keep right on chugging huh?
    you can't commit to any one thing.
    even when you tried to claim squatters rights... you gave up! in classic cheese eating surrender monkey fashion...
    you couldn't show up to claim your garbage pickings like you said you would. not once or twice, bit three different times that you said you'd be here...
    news flash lawn gnome, no one is putting their life on hold for a person like you.

    when you failed to bully your ex girlfriend into marriage or what you wanted her to do, like stealing a 800# piece of concrete with a 4 cylinder S10 for your precious land deal, you thought you might be able to take advantage of me.
    When that didn't turn out how you wanted, you changed the locks to my house and pleaded to not get the police involved while threatening to call probation... BTW, that made all the sense in the world, if you happen to be completely retarded...

    and low and behold you're threatening me again with, "we'll see what YOU lose if I don't get my things back"...
    bitch ass weak.

    you said "2-3 months, till i finish my tiny house and the land deal goes through".
    That was the arrangement.
    & what it turned out to be, was you and that smelly fucking dog that you punch in the head when you're feeling good because you have no control over him, who in fact has larger balls than what you have dangling between your legs, trying to run my life, & rearrange my home.

    "You should work for me, I'll right everything off, it'll work great for me..."
    yeah, I'm gonna commit to working for the mess of a human being that you are...

    when you got fired and you started scrambling, the real you showed up, Mr. Hyde...
    hordeing my family belongings and scouring the internet to find out how much they were worth. Short-selling them without producing so much as a link to the auctions & supposedly paying more for shipping them, then what you sold them for...

    & then you got rehired!
    & you started buying dope from your boss to stay on his good side. Compromising any 'moral' or 'godly' values you might have had in order to stay in his good graces.
    You and Bossy Brett became so close that you became known as Brett Jr.

    Oh the stories go on & on don't they??

    you signed for your certified envelope.
    & again, if you are sincerely interested in reclaiming your abandoned items, call the number on the notarized letter.
    it's that simple stupid


  109. my house might be a dump.
    but it is a complete home, with a roof, and many other spage-age amenities. such a toaster oven, windows, running water, heat & eleectricity!
    it wasn't cobbled together by an elf on the shelf,
    or made from garbage found on the side of the road, or abandoned on someone else's property for them to clean up...

    Peace out cub scout!

  110. well kevin i did not preach to you here, but too bad you couldn't learn something from it.
    i have told you to sign off on the land that is your only responsibility. I have the text where you said you would, and you told me to go ahead "lease it to a farmer for hay" so who is renegging? What happens from there does not concern you whatsoever. You don't have any money down on it and you have the paperwork to sign and the lawyers number so why are you dragging this out needlessly if you want peace? Call the lawyer and ask him questions, not me.
    Your threats to me are actually a felony.
    I have threatened you with nothing. Even though I could make a few "Kevin" moves because you told me things in confidence.
    As for bad mouthing- you have done plenty yourself.
    Handle this like a grown mature man with out making threats like a teenage cyber bully girl, sign off and get on with your own life and live in peace. that was my last email to you. Anything more from you will be handled by the law. And any correspondence with you will be through a lawyer. Goodbye.

  111. one more thing, since what you are threatening to do is a felony, i will be happy to take you, in my presence, to these people and you can repeat whatever, you will find out they already know how i feel. then, we can go to all your enemies, and i will repeat whatever, in your presence.along with a cop, because you will need protection, i see how stupid this is? goodbye.

  112. and thank you, by the way, for your very public threat, across state lines, which is a felony, which i have reported to the police and my lawyer. you have been threatening me and verbally and mentally abusing me for a very long time. that is domestic abuse. you want peace? quit holding on to the only tie you have with me and sign off on the land and leave me alone. stop bullying women and manipulating them. it makes you look small.

  113. Anonymous a.k.a. Ethel Warwick: With your vast, in-depth knowledge of psychology, theology and criminal law it’s hard to understand why you are an unemployed welfare recipient who lives in her parents moldy, flea infested basement.

    I do want peace, or at least to close my business with you. But not through appeasement. We are going to do this through negotiation. I wish the purchase and sales contract we signed together was the only tie I have with you. But, Don sent a legal-beagle, certified, notarized letter claiming that I owe you and him money for labor for moving and storing my stuff. And if I don’t claim it by May 1st, you’re selling it and keeping part of the proceeds.

    You guys got me by the short and curlies. You are holding on to my property, what little I own. I could be wrong, but I think the cops are telling you that this three-way beef we got going on is a civil matter, but you are relaying a different message. It’s definitely not a “domestic abuse” matter either, because if I remember correctly, and I do, vividly actually, you haven’t had those large, lovely tee-tahs in my face since a month before I moved in with Don.

    I’ll call Shapiro tomorrow. I think he might be an innocent victim in this mess that his renegging, lying partner Bill and their numb-nuts Lawer made when along with me, they threw their lot in with a big-mouthed, ditzy bitch that can’t make up her mind. you should definitely “make some Kevin moves.” --I’m not being sarcastic.

    “Blackmail” is an ugly word. Let’s call it “leveraged bargaining.” Just say: “Kevin, I’ll let you have all your stuff back if you sign off on the land and sign a nondisclosure agreement promising not to publish anything I revealed to you, in writing or verbally, about anyone.”

    See? I’ll even release the sellers. I’ll also release your parents from any contract we had for me to do more work for them, or for any amount possibly due for the work I’ve done in consideration for the the money they gave us toward the land. I’m allowing you to negotiate with me and conclude all our business, and return to each other all our property, physical or intellectual, without accusing you of so much as a misdemeanor.

    I really want my stuff. I really want to sign off on the land. I encourage you to buy it, and build a tiny house on it. Even start the lavender farm. Those are still all very good ideas. Or, if you figured out something to get the $2,000 deposit back, great. Keep it all or give it back to your father. I just want my things back. Every thing. So, I’ll gladly submit to your “leveraged bargain.”

    You can tell anyone you want about my violent ideations. Or repeat anything I’ve ever told you in confidence. Publish it all online for all I care. You would be helping my cause. I’m no law expert, but I’m pretty sure no one gets convicted for what happens in their dreams or imagination. I believe that is what’s referred to as a “thought crime.”

    --Just be careful how you do it. Don’t hurt, or invade the privacy of anyone except me. And brace yourself for my reaction.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. There is an olive branch for you Don. I want you to know that I appreciate the way you went about busting my balls, because you did it all legally. I'll be civil as well. I called the Officer, and he said that he told you it was a civil matter. He told me to work it out with you without his involvement. But to do that, I need instructions from you. Tell me what I need to do to become one with my stuff. I don't even know where it is.

  116. Not on welfare thanks. working and i received food stamps last summer and medicaid AS DID YOU.
    -i am welcome to stay here as long as I please. how about your parents? guess not.
    -there were no fleas here until your dog arrived, and we bought advantage to treat all the pets and flea bombed.
    -mold really? one spot behind the washer because of a leak which i took care of, but it was better than where you were staying. which was where?????
    -I am working and helping to take care of my Dad.
    -There was no contract.
    -there was no "mind changing" i could not continue with you because we have different philosophies, and you could have put the floors in, you threw the land back in my lap, because you didn't want to pay closing costs. I have it all on my cell phone.
    -Work you did here, was because you, and your dog stayed here, that's it.
    -Is that what you need to do to get by in life, make threats? why? you were treated with kindness while you were here, and even after you left, I still assisted you with rides and took you to the ER twice. I would have continued to help you, but you were rude and nasty and I had enough. You should sign off on the land because that is what is right-not because of leverage. You don't want it anyway and didn't put in any $. It's that simple.
    -Your threats ARE a felony. look it up...ask a lawyer.

  117. But anyway....If you want peace, lets have a face to face when you get here to collect your things, I have a lot to say to you.

  118. After what you attempted to post on my other site, as "Ethel Warwick" along with other horrible shit you've got in my face with, I have no desire to see you face to face, and deal with suppressing the urge to punch you in your pudgy face. That is not a threat. It's an honest expression of a disordered desire I'm feeling to commit an act that I know would be wrong and illegal, no matter what you have done to provoke me. I've punched a lot of people in my life, but never anyone who is weaker than me and unable to defend themselves properly. Though I've been tempted when provoked by weak, little, aggressive ankle-biters who use their frailty to attack, provoke and then retreat to all the extra protection their weakness offers them, I'm not a bully. However, I'm admittedly violent. But, I always control myself.

    Especially after all your bragging about your "connections" to the Gates Police and your threats to use them, as women like you are sometimes known to do, as your own personal Gestapo, I have no reason to go down that road. I don't care what you have to say to me, anymore than I care what you have to say about me. And I'm sure it's "a lot!" You have a lot to say about everyone you know, and none of it positive, and probably half of it slanderous. It's ironic...I would have confided in you with even more personal information, but I couldn't get a word in edgewise!

    But please, let's make this about the business at hand. My stuff, and the purchase and sales contract.

    I understand that my property is in locked storage and someone is holding the key. Where did you and Don put it? Who is the "key holder?" Tell me so I can call and make arrangements to pick it up.

    I'm prepared to go to small claims court over all the points of this conflict, from the land contract to invasion of my privacy to the illegal confiscation of my stuff. You can afford a lawyer, and apparently have one. So, if you want me to sign off on the land, I will. Have your lawyer meet me at the storage facility. If all my stuff is there, I'll sign the release of my right to purchase the land. This will be over. You all win.

    I didn't want to pay closing costs because the seller, Bill, AS YOU KNOW agreed to use their own lawyer to write the loan agreement, do the title search and close, and he said, with you listening in, that they would pay the lawyers fees. I have a text from you acknowledging that.

    If you and Don didn't have my property in your possession, I would take those swindling sacks of shit to small claims court, and fight this thing. So, excellent "Kevin move!" But as I keep telling you, I prefer to get my stuff back, and allow you to black mail me into laying down my rights and walking away from this fight.

    Tell me where my stuff is. As soon as you do, I'll call the sellers and the lawyer and see about putting an end to all this shit.

  119. Your stuff is locked safely in a storage facility. Nobody wants it, believe me.
    All that was done legally.
    No, I don't remember "listening in" we talked about it you and I, and asked about it, but nothing was promised--we didn't clear that with anyone on their end obviously. We didn't put it in the agreement either. So stop bothering everyone about it.
    Yes, that is a good idea, I was planning on having the lawyer there already, along with police.
    Your rights on the land? You failed to pay the rest of the deposit and did not close on it, so you defaulted right there, you bought a vehicle instead, good for you. it was your choice.
    You have the paperwork emailed to you. Print it sign it and send it to the sellers lawyer.
    You may pick up your things by May 1st, if you can't make it then, perhaps it can stay longer, but you may have to pay the storage fees.
    You can contact the officer when you are ready to get your things.
    I am not "ethel warwick" i don't know anything about it. I would be happy to hand over my computer to investigators, if you don't believe me and you can also hand in yours.
    You are to cease and desist. You do not have my permission to publish my emails.
    There are copyright laws against that. You will no longer hear from me, but my lawyer.
    I have also reported you to cyber crime investigators.

  120. Oh wow... Which Kevin is this now?
    You really switched stances there huh? You went from your typical R.I.Railroad Rambling straight into a R.I.rimjob on the back side.
    Is this the Kevin that said, "you're not staying here tonight, Sorry", after illegally changing the locks to my home?
    Is this the same guy who claims his ancestor was an advisor to Abraham Lincoln?
    The Kevin who claimed, "he kicked the door in to the house"?
    The same dirtbag that got stoned, locked himself out, had to break in and hastly repair the door frame before I got home?
    oh is your memory failing you again??
    Why did you kill my fish?
    How about the hour long discussion that you had with Jarret about how he wanted the job done, that you're being sued for because you had to do it 'your' way?
    Or the email you sent to the owner of the company you quit your job from? The one that you wanted $1000 to make your worker's comp claim disappear. The company that has a bunch of tools missing... did you offer to give them back?? And when that tiny scheme didn't happen you called OSHA...

    You seem to have the idea that you can hold things over people's heads and then offer them alternatives that'll work to your advantage.
    you seem to think that me & your ex are the only people in this community that you've pissed off.
    It doesn't matter to me if you want your things or not. I'm out of the loop.
    So before you go making big plans to claim items to be missing, you might want to have receipts or proof of purchase, a box top maybe? And maybe some photographic evidence of there condition prior to you leaving them behind.

    You'll be just fine kid.

    But, you might want to keep your feelings about my family members to yourself. It's not gonna do you any good.
    Not if you're being monitored.

    So again, FUCK your apology...
    I can't stress that enough, really, because it means nothing coming from you.
    Fuck your god, fuck your religion, fuck your empty promises and while you're at it, empty the contents of your pockets onto the ground and fuck away.

    Congratulations though on setting an all new personal low!! Especially here, where you talk yourself up so good.
    There were some of us that had doubts, but threatening to punch a woman in the face, over the internet, from a different state?
    You sir have out done yourself. Please say you're boasting about it now on your manliness site, PLEASE?

  121. And according to the key holder, you haven't called Gates PD... wow, what a surprise.

  122. I did call the Gates Police, fucktard. I told you that. Officer O'Mara told me (what I already knew) that this is a civil matter. He told me that he informed you of this as well.

    That wasn't an apology, fucktard. It was an honest assessment of your positive traits. Because I'm not hateful or petty. I don't get blinded and biased by emotion. I can see people for what they truly are, for good or for bad. Even myself.

    I didn't threaten to punch anyone, fucktard. But if you’re feeling froggy you mentally unstable, lazy, chemically-dependent, fucking slob -jump. I'd love an opportunity to punch YOU in the face -even if I get my ass kicked.

    I didn't kill your fish, I didn't blackmail my boss (but I did send him an email telling him what I thought of the racist, hooker-fucking, grease-ball) He disrespected me in a major way. Fuck him. Fuck Jarrett that other Rochester rip-off. Fuck you.

    I'll get my stuff, or the value of it. One way or another. I assure you of that. I’m glad you’re out of it now.

    And, I'll say whatever I want about whomever I want. It's called freedom of speech, bitch. You want to be Mr. Legal Beagle. Learn where the lines are actually drawn. You crossed them. I didn’t. What are you worried about? Do you regret making a "Cyndi move" and revealing deeply personal and embarrassing information about family members to a virtual stranger?

    You should have accepted my olive branch, numb-nuts.

    1. Are you ready kid?
      Do you have your tiny pretendgineer's hat on??


      Hahahahaha, hahahahahah...

      Fuck your olive branch. In fact take a whole olive tree & shove it up your ass ya keyboard tough guy.

      What you know, is what I let you know....
      doesn't mean any of the information SUPPOSEDLY heard is based on truth, more than likely, it was based in humor to ease that tiny hot head you have when you get to spewing off at the mouth.
      It wasn't as if I called the police on a dirty, dirty drug dealer, and then some time later, tried to bully my son's girlfriend into stealing his heroin maintenance supply to sell on the streets. Or blog intimate details of 'family' issues in order to feel good about myself.

      So these SUPPOSED statements, that were ALLEDGEDLY heard and interpretated by an ADMITTED pothead, who ADMITTEDLY (on this very forum, in more than one post) has a memory problem mean what to who? And what would the relationship to any of my family members be EXACTLY??

      tiny man
      tiny burnout, spun to the ground man

      Do your worst. Is there such a thing as micro claims court??
      Your garbage pickings (approximate value of $60, and that's being generous considering that you left your flake board panaled MC MANSION EXPOSED to the elements all winter) are they in the hands of someone else?
      Debt gets exchanged, real easy.
      Ya know, I just may be developing some memory issues of my own.
      Maybe you could help out.
      Do you have any hand written, statements, signed and authenticated by an independant 3rd party about anything other than the garbage you abandoned, because failed to pick up as agreed several times?

      You lack any credability in this community litte buddy. But the one consistant thing you have established, is that you become aggitated, quit easily, when things don't go the way you want them to. Unless you're stoned.

      Have ya heard this one??
      Vern Troyer is studying for the bar exam. He's starting his own litigation program. It's gonna be called Tiny People's Court.
      You should send in headshots, so they can be thrown out with all the other white trash.

      Contrary to your belief, my nuts are not numb, and I'll thank you for keeping them out of your tiny mind. You've got enough to ponder already.


  124. Oh man.
    I've got a great idea.
    Could make us tens of dollars, maybe.
    Keep October 10th open.
    You don't have any big plans do ya??

    I gotta ask somebody something... brb.

    1. bummer.
      no midget tossing at pumpkinfest this year.
      it woulda been great, could've hyped it for 6 months...
      they didn't want to agree to me holding the copyrights and dividing 30% with you.
      then there's that blood and urine sample you'd have to submit. Nobody wanted any part of it.
      sorry Gilligan

  125. silence speaks volumes to those that know what to hear for

  126. It’s not silence. You are not listening closely enough. Let me repeat:

    What I learned in the military: How to kill enemies.

    What I learned in the church: How to love enemies.

    What I know: How to kill enemies with an absence of malice.

    Don’t worry Don. You are definitely on my shit-list, but you haven’t crossed any lines, yet, that rank you in my “mortal enemy” category. If you accepted the olive branch I graciously offered you, or if you fought this battle you started with me in much less of a snively and more of a manly way, you would have earned ranking in my “frenemy” category.

    You need to learn how to be consistent with your grace.

    I locked you out of our house because you kept busting my balls about petty shit. Now you say I’m a low-life, dope-smoking weasle that the whole community should hate and run out of town after they confiscate what little I own.

    Your Uncle gets drunk and rapes a child, and you complain to me how unfair it is that he has to register as a sex offender, notify his neighborhood, and how you’re not allowed to take your children around him, so that screws you for being his roommate if you want to keep up your weekly visits. I quote: “He just drank too much and made a mistake. Now nobody likes the poor old guy.”

    So, like I told you when I locked you out: “If sharing a house with me is so bad, go be your perverted Uncle’s roommate. I hope you’re not a heavy sleeper.”

    So are we on for a fist fight on the 10th of October? I sure hope so Skippy. I want to show you how the “short man complex” -that I have a textbook case of- has made me able to boast a 23-1-3 fight record. I’ve sent more than a couple guys who out-sized me for gurney rides.

    I encourage you to step up, otherwise YOU are the one who is just a “keyboard tough guy.” Besides, I’m pretty good at sizing up my opponents, and like I’ve told you before, you are as strong as me, and you definitely got the reach advantage. Win or lose, It’s all good to me. I just like to fight.

    1. hahahaha...
      wow your pretendgeener's cap is in overdrive... you do have quite the memory problem huh?
      when did this imaginary conversation take place again?
      who said i was moving in with him?
      why would i complain about his actions affecting me?

      you might want to check your source information, this neighborhood has been known to be a bit gabby... it's not hard to steer conversations

      everyone knows you're a fighter. Especially Max, his cauliflowered ears didn't come from infection, or from 'sticking his head out the car window'. Some day he's gonna turn on you and you'll be done. Dogs are funny like that, they tend to assume the personallity traits of their owners.

      Impressive stats! Good for you, not only are you a keyboard tough guy, you're one in real life too!! But again I have to ask for VERIFIABLE PROOF.
      Anyone can claim anything they want.
      It doesn't mean shit.
      I could claim to have a fight record, or an ancestor that supposedly advised Abraham Lincoln... but without without a link to prove it, in this day and age? They're just words & talk is cheap.

      You wanna go toe to toe & to ground and pound? Supply blood & urine screens and it's on like Ghengis Khan buddy, cause that's part of the regulations of how things actually get done in the real world. Otherwise your potential win, lose or draw doesn't count anywhere that matters.

      If you're such a fighter why didn't you just wait things out?

      You certainly do get a lot of practice, it's gotta be tough repeatidly having your head up your ass and having to fight for air.

      So take some more of your religious shame based anxieties out on Max, have a nice refreshing long spring day walk to the bus station.
      Buy yourself a ticket and see where it leads you.
      tough guy

  127. Excellent! I’m proud of you Skippy! I really thought you were going to try to worm your way out of this. So, UFC rules require testing for PED’s, STD’s, HIV and Hepatitis B/C. Do you want to include any others? HSV I and II, Syphillis, etc.?

    10 days out.

    1. praise, accolades, critiques of any type hold little to no meaning to me. I guess it's hard for you to understand that, you can't see above the crowds

      it's funny though, & what is even funnier is that you totally avoided answering why you just didn't try to wait things out here

      ...tick tock, the mouse ran up the clock...

  128. Yeah Don, it's obvious, I'm 5' 7" you're 6' something...But, I bet I'm taller than you laying down...I'll have to ask your wife the next time she sees me.

    You asked a loaded question. I DID wait it out. Would you like to rephrase?


      Oopsie! Looks like someone might be losing their credability on their celibacy blog... screen captures are a bitch huh??
      They make it so easy these days.

      So in reveiw, you used a joke older than YOUR MOM, who, for some reason/s unknown, wants very little (see what i did there?) to do with you, along with the rest of your family.
      Maybe because you can't leave the gay navy jokes alone??

      But the question remains, why didn't you just barracade yourself into that smelly, Max piss and hair filled room ya sawed off dwarf?

      Did you honestly think that after declaring war with me, by illegally changing the locks to my house that I'd not resist??
      When did that seem like it'd be a good idea?

      It's cool, take your time & answer each question in the order asked. You should be able to scroll back and find where you left off.

      And YOU'RE not here.
      You're probably in a shelter somewhere. Motherfucking people under your breath as the homeless look at you bewildered.

      You know who is here though?
      A bunch of neighbors from this community, sitting around a fire as $10's of dollars of lumber from the side of the road go up in flames.
      Laughing, having a good time, not really thinking about you.

      Which reminds me.

      Fuck off!


      Oopsie! Looks like someone might be losing their credability on their celibacy blog... screen captures are a bitch huh??
      They make it so easy these days.

      So in reveiw, you used a joke older than YOUR MOM, who, for some reason/s unknown, wants very little (see what i did there?) to do with you, along with the rest of your family.
      Maybe because you can't leave the gay navy jokes alone??

      But the question remains, why didn't you just barracade yourself into that smelly, Max piss and hair filled room ya sawed off dwarf?

      Did you honestly think that after declaring war with me, by illegally changing the locks to my house that I'd not resist??
      When did that seem like it'd be a good idea?

      It's cool, take your time & answer each question in the order asked. You should be able to scroll back and find where you left off.

      And YOU'RE not here.
      You're probably in a shelter somewhere. Motherfucking people under your breath as the homeless look at you bewildered.

      You know who is here though?
      A bunch of neighbors from this community, sitting around a fire as $10's of dollars of lumber from the side of the road go up in flames.
      Laughing, having a good time, not really thinking about you.

      Which reminds me.

      Fuck off!

  129. Did you read my celibacy blog? Wow Don, you’re like my biggest fan. Thanks! Not to be technical, but I could let your wife churn my butter till the cows come home...that’s not doing anything that would “consummate a marriage.” I’m celibate. How much do you think credibility matters on the Interweb anyway? It’s about traffic. I’m not going for the Pulitzer Prize here.

    Remember, your wife and I got a good look at each other, and not to speak for her, but I think the two of us would really enjoy a few rounds of spank and tickle. I dare you to give me her number. I’d love to see the look on your goofy fucking toothless face some Sunday morning when you pick up your kids and I answer the door wearing a bathrobe and a smile.

    Now I understand your question. But I already answered it by text the night I left when I said “you beat me fair and square. You get all the cash for keys money. You deserve it. Fuck Wells Fargo.” Besides, as I’ve already boasted, I’ve beat shadow banks out of more money than you ever will. I don’t always win, but I always fight hard.

    Speaking of which, are we on for a fist-fight on the 10th of October? Don’t keep avoiding the question. It makes you look like a pussy.

    1. Wow Kevin. Your perception is not mine, but if you really want to believe that there was a spark between you and her for the 5 minutes you sat in the passenger's seat as the kids were seated, persue it, by all means!
      You give her your best! And have fun!
      She's in the past for a reason McLovin, you think you can do better? I wish ya both the best! Sincerely!

      I thought you wanted to go on the 26th of this month... "10 days out"???
      Or was there something else to expect?
      Be specific, or you're the one being a pussy, pussy.
      Either way, I'm in more than fit condition, have been getting plenty of exercise lately.
      I won't be tired from trying to slepp in a homeless shelter, stressed out about someone stealing the computer I stole, and I'll pull right up, in my own vehicle!
      I won't be stepping off a urine soaked bus seat, lacking from sleep because I can't get my driver's license in order.

      and again you're avoiding questions, because you don't have valid answers that run your party line here... cause you're a bitch

      That's cool though. You keep hyping yourself, that's all you really seem to do.

      Me, Randy, Gary... we know. You won't coming back.

      But you keep having you bitch-ass, punk-in-the-sun times with Cyndi.

      Is there a specific place you'd like the video of the auction sent to?
      Cause I'll be recording it.

      By some off randomn chance, if you do get miracled, and you can get your fucking mess of a life together by the first.
      PLEASE! let me know so I can watch you move your garbage.
      It'll be solid gold!
      No, the copyrights will be split between me and me.

      Fuck You!

  130. Zzzzzzzzzz

    sleepy lawn gnome...

  131. Hey bitch.

    What makes you think you're getting any of your shit back now?


    it's plural cocksucker...

    Don't think that your negotiations, well let's be honest, the threats against your ex have anything to do with the items I have under lock.

    The price for your garbage picked, and other items of sentiment just doubled. Another month's rent and
    a mechanic's lean on labor & for moving that fucking eye-sore of a dwelling you built.

    $700 to get your shit shack back...

  132. Hey bitch.

    What makes you think you're getting any of your shit back now?


    it's plural cocksucker...

    Don't think that your negotiations, well let's be honest, the threats against your ex have anything to do with the items I have under lock.

    The price for your garbage picked, and other items of sentiment just doubled. Another month's rent and
    a mechanic's lean on labor & for moving that fucking eye-sore of a dwelling you built.

    $700 to get your shit shack back...

  133. I posted a reply, but it didn't take. Here's the gist:

    You are a thief. You think you stole my stuff legally? Maybe you did. Enjoy it. It is going to cost you dearly. What little you own, you poor, toothless, drunk fucking dork, belongs to me now too. I don't care if it takes me years. I will collect. You will pay.

    Keep that go-pro camera surveillance going. Keep a close eye on your dog. Make sure no one gives him any Scooby snacks while you're not looking. Watch your back. I'm going to fuck you up. I don't care if it takes years. That shit I left behind was just bait. You took it like the fucking flea bitten rat you are. I was surprised it attracted two rats, including that twat across the street. Now the trap is set. What a laugh I'm going to get when I see you with your eyes bulging out of your head and shit running down your legs.

    I can easily start over. I enjoy the process more than the possession of things. Things suck. So do most people. But I know that you are one of those hoarder types that values your junk, and your animals more than what is psychologically healthy. So, I know just how to fuck with you. Man, it's gonna be fun!!!

  134. hahaha... trap... please, elaborate on that one...
    No wait, I get it now...
    You really, really want your shit back, but not really, cause it's all just been a clever ruse to ensure that I do everything legally... BRILLIANT!! Flawless in it's simplicity and efficiency.
    hahaha, nice threats BTW... you threaten Cyndi and her animals and that has worked so well for you that it's my turn huh?
    But again, your perception has been proven faulty.

    You forfeit ANY type of credability when you continuelly make these threats. Or any other type promise, and fail to follow through.
    That's what you fail to see and it's the ONLY thing you have any consistancy in doing.
    You failed to show up for your things on 3 seperate occasions within a month. You couldn't even follow through on the simple instructions outlined to you in the document sent to you. And you had a month's time for that as well...

    I don't need to watch my back, you're a bitch-ass, financially ruined limp noodle. You can't hold a job, because you loath the idea of being told how things should be done unless you're stoned, & then you're too stoned to recall and follow the instructions that you've been given correctly. You can't save any money because you smoke all the dope you plan to sell. You can't even prioritize your life enough to get a driver's license.
    But if anything were to happen, to me, my dog or anything else you think I might hold value in... guess who's culpable now, MORON?

    And who's projecting again?
    Who was the dumbass that had to stop at EVERY single pile of trash along the road for EVERY piece of scrap of wood? Who filled up 1/2 of a 2&1/2 car garage with garbage garden hose, filthy-ass 5gal. buckets, shit 2X4 & used 20cent a foot molding over the course of 3 weeks? Who hoarded things that weren't thier's and placed them on mantles above the bed they slept on?? Who built a 1/2 assed shanty out of particle board and garbage only to leave it uncovered in the dead of winter? You don't have a clue as to how to continue building or moving it. It's pathetic really... you're pathetic.

    You really failed in sizing me up, you weren't expecting any of this, and the information I've gathered, well, I'm having fun with it right now, & I forsee many outlets, as of yet, untouched, that will soon be providing plenty of entertainment.

    Look in the mirror and know that you've brought your life to the point of where it is.

    Keep falling through on your crack-pot schemes, seeking out dumbies that you can manipulate or bully with your bullshit logic.
    Me and a few others will be checking in from time to time to be mildely amused...
    It's befuddling to others that you're not capable of seeing the re-occurring theme of your life Kevin. You're an extra yearning to direct, but you lack any common sense or tact when shouting through your bullhorn.
    Stop fooling yourself.

  135. hahaha... trap... please, elaborate on that one...
    No wait, I get it now...
    You really, really want your shit back, but not really, cause it's all just been a clever ruse to ensure that I do everything legally... BRILLIANT!! Flawless in it's simplicity and efficiency.
    hahaha, nice threats BTW... you threaten Cyndi and her animals and that has worked so well for you that it's my turn huh?
    But again, your perception has been proven faulty.

    You forfeit ANY type of credability when you continuelly make these threats. Or any other type promise, and fail to follow through.
    That's what you fail to see and it's the ONLY thing you have any consistancy in doing.
    You failed to show up for your things on 3 seperate occasions within a month. You couldn't even follow through on the simple instructions outlined to you in the document sent to you. And you had a month's time for that as well...

    I don't need to watch my back, you're a bitch-ass, financially ruined limp noodle. You can't hold a job, because you loath the idea of being told how things should be done unless you're stoned, & then you're too stoned to recall and follow the instructions that you've been given correctly. You can't save any money because you smoke all the dope you plan to sell. You can't even prioritize your life enough to get a driver's license.
    But if anything were to happen, to me, my dog or anything else you think I might hold value in... guess who's culpable now, MORON?

    And who's projecting again?
    Who was the dumbass that had to stop at EVERY single pile of trash along the road for EVERY piece of scrap of wood? Who filled up 1/2 of a 2&1/2 car garage with garbage garden hose, filthy-ass 5gal. buckets, shit 2X4 & used 20cent a foot molding over the course of 3 weeks? Who hoarded things that weren't thier's and placed them on mantles above the bed they slept on?? Who built a 1/2 assed shanty out of particle board and garbage only to leave it uncovered in the dead of winter? You don't have a clue as to how to continue building or moving it. It's pathetic really... you're pathetic.

    You really failed in sizing me up, you weren't expecting any of this, and the information I've gathered, well, I'm having fun with it right now, & I forsee many outlets, as of yet, untouched, that will soon be providing plenty of entertainment.

    Look in the mirror and know that you've brought your life to the point of where it is.

    Keep falling through on your crack-pot schemes, seeking out dumbies that you can manipulate or bully with your bullshit logic.
    Me and a few others will be checking in from time to time to be mildely amused...
    It's befuddling to others that you're not capable of seeing the re-occurring theme of your life Kevin. You're an extra yearning to direct, but you lack any common sense or tact when shouting through your bullhorn.
    Stop fooling yourself.

  136. The re-occurring theme of my life as far as the poverty I'm in has only been so for the last seven years of it. Unlike you and Cyndi, I have had success. I shared it unselfishly with the same people who ended up stealing it all from me. I really did want my stuff, even the "junk." I had some good purposes for it. A lavender farm on the land was an excellent, feasible idea that would have made use of all that hose and more for irrigation. That tiny house wasn't hurt by being outside to the weather. OSB is not particle board. It can take it. I bought that trailer from you...but I didn't get a receipt or bill of sale. You texted me about that, so there is some evidence. But here is the thing you need to get through your head you chemically-dependent, fucking weenie: I'm not playing legal beagles with you. I'll lose because you will lie. So, it's gonna be done street justice style. I didn't initially intend for that stuff to be "bait" It's just what it turned into when you rats confiscated it and attempted to extort me with it. Now it's just going to continue to cost you.

    If you think I'm not going to follow through on my threats to fuck you up then stop talking about my criminal record. Every crime I have ever been convicted of from assault and battery to malicious damage has been directly connected to justice issues that I've had with fucking weenies like you and Cyndi and Bill and Jarrett and Bret --that's just the Rochester crew-- Your feeble and annoying attempts to "legally" fuck me over after I try to make peace with you get me mad. When I get mad, I always act out. That's been a recurring pattern in my entire life, rich or poor, that I have no desire or ability to change.

    It doesn't get the handcuffs slapped on me every time, and lands me behind bars even fewer times. Sometimes it gets me my stolen property back. Sometimes it just makes me some treasured memories to enjoy for years after a 30-day prison sentence.

    Yes, it's frustrating to have a long, recorded history of following through with the things I say I'm going to do, good or bad, and yet still not have any credibility with anyone. But that is their problem, not mine. I KNOW I'm going to fuck you up the same old ways I've fucked everyone else up that has gotten to this point with me. If you don't believe it, then you won't be expecting it. So, you'll be caught by surprise and I'll have a better chance of getting away with it.

    Publish what you want about me. I'm a slander-proof mudslinger. You are only helping my cause. I don't need anyone to trust me. I don't need anyone to think I'm a "gentleman." LOL. It amazes me that no matter how much the word is put out there, by four television shows, public records available online, not to mention all the things I blog about myself on top of the things my enemies blog about me, I still find plenty of dumbies [sic] like you and Cyndi to invite me into their lives and homes and be my personal assistant bitches and give me rides and mail my packages and do my grocery shopping and clean up, move, store and sell all my shit for a few bucks and my fine company and mentorship.

    "You're an extra yearning to direct, but you lack any common sense or tact when shouting through your bullhorn."

    Seriously, Don, that line was extremely well written. On top of that, it is completely true. That's one of the things I love about mudslinging. Once in a while someone throws something at you that sticks, and helps you evaluate yourself accurately. Thank you. I think I need to stop "yearning to direct" like I did at one time with great success. I think I should learn to just enjoy being an extra. Maybe my "glory days" are over forever. I'm grateful to have had them. Forty-something year old losers like you and Cyndi never have and never will.

  137. hahaha... slander-proof

    are we in the UK?
    cause I'm pretty sure that's the only place in the world that has any type of laws in defaming someone...
    and let's be honest Mr. Spellcheck, your 'fame' is a joke.
    Just like this blog, or any other online presence you have.
    You've outted yourself.
    That's why you're taking this blog down right?
    you're a pathetic little man.
    you've probably stolen an identity or seven that'll pop up with your ANGRY LITTLE ATTITUDE...
    good thing Cyndi & I have about a ream of texts, emails, blogspots & now the FBI will have them as well ASSHOLE.

    You've made your own troubles K-BAG, you can't help it, you're so pissed off at the world cause you can't control it and you think you can nickle and dime your way into people's lives.

    I didn't invite you into my home. It was a temporary arrangement that you practically begged for.

    I'm an easy-going guy, but you couldn't help but fuck with me.
    You over stayed your welcome, took advantage of the situation and you couldn't help but try to fuck things up.
    By trying to run my life.
    You left for 5 days on christmas without taking your fucking dog. You didn't say anything about it until I asked.
    You have no clue, or any regard to personal boundaries.
    You have no idea how to operate a dishwasher, you nearly ruined mine and put the ice cream scooper in it twice! After I read the instructions on the side of it to you...
    It's as if you were a sweetly retarded individual without any sweetness.
    Remember the night I cooked pasta? When I cleaned the strainer in the sink and you threw your fucking garbage into it like a minute & a half later asshole?
    The you got offended because I didn't want you pre-packaged microwaved portions of fish??
    Fuck you and your burnt out feeble mind...
    You over-loaded your ex's washing machine and ruined that twice.
    You broke my door. You broke my broom.
    You killed my fish. And it never crossed your mind to even say anything about it. Until you left.

    You are no mentor.
    You are a bitch.
    A weak, narrow minded leach on the heal of society.

    I don't need to go into what I have accomplished in my life to prove anything to anyone.

    I'm a good person, or at the very least, a better, happier and healthier human being than you will ever be.

    I don't need the false crutch of a god or religion to make up for, or to hide what flaws I may have in character.

    Basically. You're a piece of shit, that I just happen to step into, and now I'm taking the time to scrap you from my soul.

    You have no idea how good the past 2+ months have been since I've been out of the 'giving a fuck what Kevin Leland thinks' business.

    So again, do you worst.
    By all means, live every moment you can in fulllfilling your kooky vengence-schizo-psycho-blah-blah-blah.
    You only have to prove it to yourself toughguy, nobody's buying it here.

    don't worry about your loved ones, they already know how you are and agree with us

    have a good whatever lonely guy!

  138. Hey.

    Thomas Green's credit card showed up.
    Do you have a forwarding address for that I.D. yet?
    Or is that how you planned to pay Cyndi & I?

    Not getting hits for ANY of your items on craigslist.

    Randy doesn't want that piece of shit you built on his property...

    I can ask Jarret or Terry ormy friend Ed if they'd like to host a bonfire??


  139. Oh, you douche bags are going to get paid. And like the old saying goes:

    "Payback is a bitch!"

    Nice try with trying to frame me for ID theft. That one is going to backfire on you.

    When you see Jarrett at your bon fire, tell him he is on my shit-list too. I'm going to fuck him up. That's a promise.

    1. hahaha.
      K-bag, you're such a silly bitch...
      but please enlighten us. How does you ordering a credit card in a name that I was unaware you used, to an address you don't live at, & me, in turn writing, "does not live here", and putting it back in the mailbox; How is that going to backfire on me exactly??

      FYI keyboard toughguy, your bill for two month's storage and moving fees is due.
      Nobody is buying any of your garbage so YOUR DEBT hasn't magically resolved itself.

      How about, you be a man and tell him yourself?
      Oh yeah, that's right. You'd have to find a dupe to drive you here. A fool dumb enough to buy into your bullshit or believe in your threats...
      BTW, How's that business model working out for ya?
      Probably the same way that threatening people and thier animals via the internet has huh??

      Keep dreaming tiny Kevin, keep dreaming.

    2. hahaha.
      K-bag, you're such a silly bitch...
      but please enlighten us. How does you ordering a credit card in a name that I was unaware you used, to an address you don't live at, & me, in turn writing, "does not live here", and putting it back in the mailbox; How is that going to backfire on me exactly??

      FYI keyboard toughguy, your bill for two month's storage and moving fees is due.
      Nobody is buying any of your garbage so YOUR DEBT hasn't magically resolved itself.

      How about, you be a man and tell him yourself?
      Oh yeah, that's right. You'd have to find a dupe to drive you here. A fool dumb enough to buy into your bullshit or believe in your threats...
      BTW, How's that business model working out for ya?
      Probably the same way that threatening people and thier animals via the internet has huh??

      Keep dreaming tiny Kevin, keep dreaming.

  140. You are such a dissapointment, on so many levels, to so many people.
    Why don't you just, "pull the trigger"?
    You talked about doing it.
    Be a man.
    Follow through for once...

    1. Encouragement to commit suicide means a lot coming from someone who killed his own brother.
      You told me yourself that you felt responsible for his death.
      I'll bet you were.
      You and your wife forced your children to live in squalor.
      Then, you set your house on fire because you can’t handle adult responsibilities.
      You put them out and went on welfare.
      Be a man? Like you? Never.
      Fuck you.
      Is this why you don’t believe in the Kingdom of Heaven, Don?
      You can’t stand the thought of your father and brother looking down on you, disgusted?
      Their judgement, like yours, means nothing. Only God's judgement matters.
      I have every intention of following through.
      You should be afraid.

    2. Afraid of??
      You? And your lies??
      Or your piss ant, white-trash, internet/keyboard toughguy threats???
      Pahlease! Your bullshit knows no end huh??
      I'm not sure how you can equate 550 to squalor, unless you mean that pile of shit you attempted to build on the lawn. The neighbors thought it was funny as fuck and a pile of garbage. Oh yeah, where is that tiny shitty house now?
      You don't even know. That's where.
      And again,
      I really can't stress that enough.
      Your thinking, judgement & creator is antiquainted, at best.
      Jesus switched to the karma system awhile ago. Get with the program asshole.
      There is nothing righteous in what you do, only a jerkoff loser, like you would think there was. If you were any type of a righteous person, you'd start by paying back your family the $50k you owe them instead of jumping from dating site to dating site, state to state, looking to rip people off... err your version of (true love).
      Maybe your daughter's eyeballs wouldn't burn what's left of your soul ever time you force her to see you. If you weren't such a two-time loser, misogynistic piece of shit??

      This is becoming boring little buddy.
      I mean unless..
      I think I get it now.
      I see!
      You are the next Andy Kaufman.
      this is truelly brilliant!
      The entire time. This blog.
      Your entire internet presence...
      it's all been a big joke.
      I get it now.
      You really are a fucked up demented comedic genius. Anyone that'd take you seriously doesn't realize that the joke is on them huh??

      Are you a big Willie Nelson fan?
      Do you know what song he is best known for?
      Are you any good at puzzles pal?
      I ain't got no worries pal.
      But you might want to, "keep on movin".

    3. Afraid of??
      You? And your lies??
      Or your piss ant, white-trash, internet/keyboard toughguy threats???
      Pahlease! Your bullshit knows no end huh??
      I'm not sure how you can equate 550 to squalor, unless you mean that pile of shit you attempted to build on the lawn. The neighbors thought it was funny as fuck and a pile of garbage. Oh yeah, where is that tiny shitty house now?
      You don't even know. That's where.
      And again,
      I really can't stress that enough.
      Your thinking, judgement & creator is antiquainted, at best.
      Jesus switched to the karma system awhile ago. Get with the program asshole.
      There is nothing righteous in what you do, only a jerkoff loser, like you would think there was. If you were any type of a righteous person, you'd start by paying back your family the $50k you owe them instead of jumping from dating site to dating site, state to state, looking to rip people off... err your version of (true love).
      Maybe your daughter's eyeballs wouldn't burn what's left of your soul ever time you force her to see you. If you weren't such a two-time loser, misogynistic piece of shit??

      This is becoming boring little buddy.
      I mean unless..
      I think I get it now.
      I see!
      You are the next Andy Kaufman.
      this is truelly brilliant!
      The entire time. This blog.
      Your entire internet presence...
      it's all been a big joke.
      I get it now.
      You really are a fucked up demented comedic genius. Anyone that'd take you seriously doesn't realize that the joke is on them huh??

      Are you a big Willie Nelson fan?
      Do you know what song he is best known for?
      Are you any good at puzzles pal?
      I ain't got no worries pal.
      But you might want to, "keep on movin".

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Do you want to return the dog, or should I make a case?
      It's up to you little man.

  142. I'll be sure ti give Levi a heads up when I'm rolling in & the kid needs a wash.

  143. "& the kid needs a wash.?"...I have no idea what that means. Some sort of veiled threat? After the sick threat your partner in crime made, I'll warn you outright: If you come anywhere near me or my son I will kill you. Cancel your plans to come to RI. Keep the things you stole from me. Forget you ever knew me. You and that other cunt that you're in cahoots with are escalating this to a point where it could get deadly. Let it go. I already have.

  144. Newsflash biotch!
    I really don't give a fuck, what goes on between your ex and you, you tiny little gnome. You're the criminal masterbater, er, mastermind.
    Again, in reality, you abandoned your garbage kid. Nobody wants it, it won't sell and YOU OWE US! for moving & storage. You've admitted, remember?? Or is this yet another case of selective memory?

    You're a sorry sack of burnt out shit, that spews catholic doctorine and trys to work an angle on EVERYTHING & EVERYONE.
    You've fucked your own life up so much, that you can't even get a license...

    I, however can, go where I want.
    When I want.

    That's the freedom of the being on the road & holding a license. Something that you seemed to lose sight of, besides common sense.

    It wasn't hard finding out where he worked... Woof-Woof!

  145. Everyone

  146. Ok. This argument is weird...personal shit and slander?? Cmon.

  147. Have u ever met this clown Kevin?
    He's a huge douchebage, consider yourself lucky...

  148. How's that fight against the restraining order from your ex going?

  149. So far so good, thanks for asking. It's currently "on hold" until I sue her and my douche-bag ex-roommate for stealing my things. I also have to clean up the legal mess she and the sellers made of our land deal. Until then, I'm bound to abide by the terms of it. But it is absolutely no problem to have no contact with that poor, confused menace.

    1. How does a restraining order go "on hold"?
      You either stay away, or get arrested & go to jail. Am I right?

  150. Hahahahahahaha...
    It's pretty clear that you are the "poor, confused menace" Kevin.
    You've threatened and harrassed yourself completely out of your ex's life dumby, that's how restraining orders work. They are not ordered on douchebags that live out of state by mistake, STUPID.
    You fuck shit up ya little DUMBY, & you have no one else to blame.
    Who fucked up the land deal?
    A. Accredited lawyers with DECADES of experience?
    B. Your ex, by attaining a down payment.
    C. You by failing to keep your mis-informed, dillusional mouth shut, while being a burntout paranoid who is, "really interested in learning the differences in laws between states".
    Have you learned your lesson yet... BOY?

    What will your court case for your abandoned garbage be based on?
    Be specific, think through your "losses". Do you have verifiable records of such, or just a "wish list" that you created while you were high on drugs?
    Who are you going to have represent you when you can't manage to get a bank account?
    Who are you gonna convince to trust you when you can't respect personal space or property???

    "Go Away"

    You are a dillusional loser.
    You're all done here.
    If you continue to harrass and threaten people, you are going to continue to be the very sad participant that you are. It'd be a shame to have, not only your your children, but you parents informed to the fullest extent of your confused, dillusional state.

    You didn't even bother to think, to ask what I meant, when you read that note huh? You automatically assumed I meant "grab a shovel, dig your shit out and leave" huh?
    Instead of keeping your cool, you lost your mind.

    What a fucking DUMBY.

  151. Don’t you see Don, you chemically dependent, molly-coddled arsonist?

    How fucking hilarious it is that you keep calling me a dummy, but you spell it wrong every time?!

    How I truly don’t care what anyone but God thinks of me? He judges us body soul and spirit. everyone else, especially narcissists, judge us by our image. The man I am is quite different than the image I project and that doesn’t bother me. It’s actually funny.

    How fucking brilliant you were at beating me out of my stuff and sticking her with the legal case. (yes, I do have everything from pictures of what was in the trailer as well as the title of the trailer itself...and plenty more.) Yet you immediately turned around and fucked yourself by provoking me after I conceded defeat, congratulated you and offered you an olive branch. Then, instead of just leaving her holding the bag, you are involving yourself in her troubles, and like me, you’re probably not even fucking her. Or are you? Either way, what’s the point in that?

    How although it is completely illegal to throw dumb fucks like you down the stairs, it is completely legal, and a whole lot funnier, to stand at the top of the stairs, wait for the attack, and then, all “Tai Chi”, swiftly step to the side and watch the previously mentioned dumb fucks go tumblin’ down all on their own.

    You are both tumblin down at this moment, yet you don’t even realize it because, obviously, this is a metaphor. But sooner or later you’ll be sprawled out at the bottom of those stairs, mangled up worse than you already are.

    So keep laughing my enemy. I am. Best of all, I’ll have the last laugh!

    1. You and your "god"...

      Here you go again claiming to be a disciple. That your ideals, your words and actions are the will of a god.
      MOST WORTHLESS GOD EVER, if it exists...

      You can't get your life together enough to get a drivers license, a bank account, or a job that would sustain your, "oh so brilliant", 'legal' and obliviously illegal schemes.
      Claiming ignorance of a law/s does not make you innocent of breaching it/them.
      You dumb fucking lobster hucker.
      Will you blame that on your god when you get caught transporting unregulated live animals for consumption across state lines?
      Surely his omnipotence in combination with your devout whorship; that's right you're his dirty little whore, are infallable right?

      Bottom line?
      People in this community, and readers of this shitty blog, are well aware of who you are, what you're really about, and who you truelly serve.
      If, by some chance, you gather yourself enough to follow through with your weak-ass bullshit threats, you will find out how wrong you are.

      As much as your mind is compelled to continually perpetrate the litany of lies to itself, the truth doesn't go away.
      So give yourself, and more importantly, the rest of us, a break from the 'holier-than-thou' horseshit you spew.
      I mean apart from the threats to do bodily harm, poison our pets and 'expose' us to whomever. Everything you write reads as follows, "I love god dick in my mouth... i will not lay with a woman unless we're married, bound by god's words... i will do no wrong unless i can profit..."

      News flash.

      You have nothing, not a legal leg to stand on genius. I'd have a subpeona in hand by now if you did. But you go ahead, keep spouting off like a jackass for all to see and waste your efforts, it's as entertaining as watching a caged hamster run on a wheel.
      See what I did there?

      And what Cyndi and I do, or don't, is none of your business.

      Never was, never will be.

      We could be naked, laughing at your pathetic responses, in the back of the van, on the ever-so-precious land, that you didn't lift a finger to put a deposit on, as our dogs run and fertilize it right now.
      Still, it'd be none-of-your-beeswax booby.

      You got that?
      Is that crystallized in your feeble mind yet?

      You abandoned the priveledge of both her and I's respective respects. Along with the garbage you made us responsible for disposing.
      Feel lucky you got back what you did and move on.

      You don't even deserve the responses you get here.

      It simply entertains me to do so.

      that is your final worth

      fodder for a dull day in RI on a layover behind a stripmall with a dogwash

    2. Oh wow.

      I just had a visit.
      More of a vision really...

      I was taking a dump.

      But wait there's more...

      and the lord appeared in the shower drain.

      He spoke onto me...

      "Be sure to clean your crack properly, I did not create creames specifically to sooth hemmoroids."

      "Fucketh all ye false witness', particularly that Kevin LeLand guy. I mean why would thou need such a person as a cheerleader?
      If thou happens to cross paths with he, tell him his services are no longer needed and that he sucks as a human being."

      "Do not eat at McDonalds! Botulism will only further complicate ye liver damage from your opiode pill addiction."

      "Thous with the herpes obviously did not follow thy word in scriptures. Be sure to remind the righteous as such."

      "I created nothing. Everything was set in motion before I was created.
      The only reason I exist, is to placate and exploit the dumb, and the weak."

      "Oh yeah. The reason confession was created was so that clergymen could blackmail and guilt-trip powerful and wealthy individuals to nefarious ends."

      "Before the printing press only catholic priests were allowed to learn latin and interpret, 'my words'-AKA the bible. Which pretty much makes it obvious that the catholic religion is bullshit. Bullshit I say."

      "I'm a funny god.
      Not funny 'ha-ha' tho.
      More like, i create everything from dust, i destroy everything back to dust.
      I don't care what you think, what you say, what you do or don't do.
      My list of attrocities against humans and the earth include, but are not limited to the following; Ahem... genocide, nuclear-genetic mutation, incest, rape, torture, murder, disease, pestillence, starvation, cancer, herpes, genital mutilation, club-foot, hoof-in-mouth, strangulation, infestation, being buried alive, being partially buried with your head above ground near a fire-ant hill, being buried face-down with your torso exposed breathing thru an oxygen tank while fire-ants and other insects gorge themselves on honey spread on your asshole and genitals, iron maidens, maids of honor on acid pissing in the backseats of limousines, children ignored by parents that kill small animals, small animals with infectious diseases eaten by dumbies hiding in the wilderness, columbian kneckties, tire fires, castrations, cleveland steamers, dutch ovens, rhode island rimjobs, false imprisonment, false eyelashes, fake mother-fuckers, tsunamis, dust-devils, friends of the devil with devil may care attitudes, dropped buckets on newborn-baby skulls, dumbasses like you that continue to breath...
      ALL made possible, by me. Ha-ha-ha, because I love you."

      What a dumb and out-of-touch philosophy.
      How's it worked out for you so far??

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. Someone can throw some prose.
    Looks like the lack of response could be due to a black eye, or bloody nose.

  153. Wow, you are a boring little man.

    Not a single word replied on the home turf of your very own blog in 24hrs...

    did you lose soght of where it was??

    I've had a couple of really interesting discussions lately, while Billie got to visit his sister.
    The one thing that keeps being consistently said about you, is that you always seem to get yourself worked into spots you can't quite get out of. They say you get hyper-focused, obssesed, if you would.
    Levi thinks you're one dimensional, short-sighted and tempered...

    Come on little buddy, don't let the world keep you down. Rise up!

    You're a person.
    You'll get over it.
    If I let you...

    Hahahaha... just kidding.

    You'll always be a manipulative little asshole with a chip on your shoulder.

    Better hope I don't see your dumb ass.

  154. Wow, you are a boring little man.

    Not a single word replied on the home turf of your very own blog in 24hrs...

    did you lose soght of where it was??

    I've had a couple of really interesting discussions lately, while Billie got to visit his sister.
    The one thing that keeps being consistently said about you, is that you always seem to get yourself worked into spots you can't quite get out of. They say you get hyper-focused, obssesed, if you would.
    Levi thinks you're one dimensional, short-sighted and tempered...

    Come on little buddy, don't let the world keep you down. Rise up!

    You're a person.
    You'll get over it.
    If I let you...

    Hahahaha... just kidding.

    You'll always be a manipulative little asshole with a chip on your shoulder.

    Better hope I don't see your dumb ass.

  155. Think about what you are doing, Don. Don't escalate this to a point it gets deadly. I let you say all you want on this blog. I don't even delete it. I respond, as ridiculous as it makes us both appear in public. I think that trading insults with you is a safer bet than ignoring you. It offers the opportunity to de-escalate this by giving us both a face-saving way out of the conflict. I've tried to do that several times.

    Insults are one thing. Threats are another. Actions, in line with those threats, veiled as they may be, take this fight to a place neither of us should desire it to go. You are a felon. You are not sober. You have very little hope. You hate God. You hate me. Knowing all that puts me in fear that you may murder me.

    On top of that Cyndi threatened to have a hit man put a bullet between my eyes. This is the truth. I have evidence. When penniless women like Chrissy or Cyndi want a guy dead, they either do it themselves like Chrissy did, or find a way (without using money) to entice someone else to do it for them.

    "If I let you."

    "Better hope I don't see your dumb ass."

    "Me and Cyndi, in the back of the van"

    If you and Cyndi are trying to convince me that I'm in danger, you've done it already. Sadly, I've been in this situation before. It doesn't affect me like most people would imagine. I'm able to be hyper-rational and unemotional about it.

    I just want you to tell me what we can do to diffuse this situation without any deadly violence. Don't rush to respond. Think about it carefully.

    Do you want me to take down my Blogs? I'll do it. You're my only fan anyway! LOL Do you want to fistfight? I told you before, I have a good fight record, but you obviously have the height / reach advantage and having done heavy physical labor with you, I know you're wicked strong too. I wouldn't be the favorite in that match. I'm a big believer in how minor violence (like a fistfight) can prevent major violence (like homicide). So win or (probably) lose, I'm definitely willing to throw down with you. I'm willing to consider and possibly cooperate with any serious ideas that you suggest.

    Let's end this please.

  156. Perception is so easily manipulated. Particularly yours, you automatically assume the worst.
    Again, what you read into the note I left had very little to do with the actual words written. And the same thing is happening here.
    Your tiny, self-mutilated mind can't handle or interpret things correctly, and you have no one else to blame but yourself.
    Everyone can see that you manipulated and black-mailed Chrissy for everything she was worth during the 8 weeks it took for you to turn her in. My guess is that certain assets in Vermont can be traced to the very time frame.
    The difference between Cyndi and that retarded shemale-faced killer you dated would be that Cyndi stood up for herself. She sent your ass packing once you exposed your true self. And even though she severed ties with your demented ass, she still helped you out by giving you rides, letting you do laundry at her place...

    Stop being such an ungrateful fuck. One would think that a 'man of god' should be wiser.

    I am not a felon. Never have been, I still have voting, as well as hand-gun priveledges, if I desire to choose to excercise them.

    So get this. Anything and I mean anything that I let you in on here, wouldn't be divuldged by anyone else you know.
    Think about it, think about what that means to you, and what the people in your life think about you.

    Consider all the things I write here as merciful & entertaining enlightenment.

    Not sure what you consider being at risk or what you think are threats here.
    Your quoted example of, "me and Cyndi in the back of a van", threatens you? How so?
    As I stated before, what she and I may or may not be doing, horizontally or otherwise, is simply none of your business and never will be.
    If the idea stings, let it burn in, scar over, and get over it.

    You claim she put a 'hit' on you? When? Why is she not in jail right now? Isn't that a felony?
    You insist that you tie-up a parcel of realty in NYS to the point of making it un-sellable. Based on the hopes that a judge will understand and agree with your extremely distorted perception of the matter.
    Funny thing is? You have more of a chance of being defaulted that land, than you do of convincing anyone that Cyndi would put a 'hit' on you. You have no chance of either or they'd be done already.
    That's how faulty your thinking is.
    You keep reaching for shit on the top shelf that just isn't there.

    Kevin, when you continuelly make assinine statements, or incorrect assumptions, about people that you do not fully understand or appreciate, you will always fall short in any attempt you make to persuade the argument.
    Your statements generally border on the retarded, so don't be shocked when you are treated as such.
    Or maybe you should if you are truelly that un-aware.

    Either way, that is as merciful and as entertaining as I'm willing to be at this point in time.

  157. You and your "fight record"... that's a count that you keep right?
    Cause you're not registered or sanctioned by or with any type of fighting organization.
    That's how dillusional you truelly are. You actually think that your personal battles or fist fights mean something to other people.
    It's laughable.
    Where were you for pumpkinfest? Playing peanut butter games with Max again? Kept waiting for you to show, but it was like when you said you were going to be back to clean all that garbage you left on my property. You said you would be there and didn't show.
    I waited patiently, ready to sock you in that herpes infested cock-holster of a mouth you have. I waited for nothing...

    Again, you get it wrong.
    Wrong. Wrong. WRONG.

    I don't hate god.
    There is no god.
    What I am dissapointed in, to the point of near absolute hatred, are 1/2 sissy's like you, that perpetrate themselves as righteous representations of higher beings that take advantage of genuinely good people.
    That is hateful Kevin.
    That is your true nature.
    It keeps being played out in your life, time & time again.

    If you need a book to guide and instruct you on how not to be an asshole in life, you've pretty much lost the battle to begin with. That or maybe your parents were huge fucking assholes that paid ZERO attention to the person they brought into the world. But from the conversations I've had with your mom, that's not the case.
    You know it, I know it, everyone that's met you in real life knows it. So stop fooling yourself into thinking that you can fool others about it.

    But hey, keep your chin up huh?
    Or maybe not, I hear it's not as you advertise.

  158. How about I slow it down for you punky brewster.
    We were gonna settle it there.

    Where were you?

  159. You backed out like the drunk pussy that you are.

    Are you suffering from coward's remorse now? Is that why you came all the way to Rhode Island for another try, then chickened out again and slithered all the way back to NY without knocking on my door?

    Cyndi said in front of an Officer that you have my trailer with the stuff in it. Probably a lie, I know, because as I said, you were brilliant. You stole my stuff, then put it in her possession so you were off the hook. She thought she was going to use it to extort me into letting her out of the land deal, but the penniless, lazy bitch couldn't pay the storage bill so it probably got auctioned off.

    I offered you $100 for it. You answered "Fuck you" --It's in text. There was your opportunity...

    I'll offer you the same one again. I'll give you $100 for my trailer with all my stuff in it. I'll meet you at the park on Wegman road. If you want to fight then, great. If not, that's okay too. I've won two fights, yet broke my hand punching the guys' lights out. I just want my stuff back without having to play lawyer-ball, like you, and other such pussies who can't handle their battles independently tend to do.

    What's it gonna be?

    1. Hmmm, that's odd. Well
      not really, it is comimg from you after all.
      But I distinctly remember being at the pummpkinfest with everyone else, helping to set up. Laughing at your antics.
      Sober, serene, happy to be there and waiting to slap the shit out of you.
      You no-showed. You lied.
      You're a lieing lier, that's what you do, that is who you are.
      What you know about me, is what I chose to let you know, & you can't even keep that straight in your THC crippled mind.
      You said you'd be back for your shitty shit, three seperate times and you didn't.
      So you're not getting your worthless garbage back.
      That time has passed, you squandered your opportunity, and you have only yourself to blame. It's that simple.
      You are not going to dictate how things go mr. keyboard toughguy...
      I'm not going out of my way to accomadate your bullshit.
      But we'll leave our meeting up to your son. From the talks he and I have had, he seems like a good kid. Hopefully he stays clean, but having you as his father certainly doesn't help.
      Maybe the next time he and I meet he'll let you know?
      You haven't addressed how you feel threatened by Cyndi & I being in the back of the van together. Or produced any evidence of this 'hit' allegation you made. Another lie.
      So go ahead and lawyer away all you'd like, cause it'd be entertaining on a couple levels. First to see who'd beleive your bullshit sob story with what you have as evidence. And secondly to see how much you'd have to spend just to have a judge laugh at you.
      Cause between the texts and emails that Cyndi & I have gathered... well, you know what you've said and done. Or maybe you can't remember so well, cause, "sometimes I forget".

      i got $11 in scrap after cutting the trailer up
      it doesn't cover the fuel cost of moving your shit hut
      so you still owe me

      That's what it is.

  160. Alright Don. If my stuff is really gone then it's gone. I'll just have to replace it with your stuff. So set up your go pro cameras and secure your shit. It might be years from now, but I'm coming for it. If it isn't worth taking, then I'll just destroy or damage it. You're fucked.

    I'll talk to Randy and see if he'll allow us to fight at Pumpkinfest this year. I don't think he will, but let's find out for sure so we can make other arrangements, okay? I want to beat your toothless fucking face in for no other reason but because it would do you some good. You need to learn not to stalk a man just because you think it makes you look like a man yourself.

    If you had any relevance to this world, you wouldn't spend so many hours trying to describe me. You are a do-nothing bitch. You play video games, pretending to be a cowboy while your dog's shit stays on the floor and the walls for weeks. Pathetic.

    You are too much of a sniveling little shit to even acknowledge the existence of your Creator. You think you are a good person, and I'm not. Newsflash, fuckface: I never said I was a good person. But you are a cunt.

    You said I took advantage of you when you opened your home to me. You took rent from me you fucking dip-shit. I was never your guest, I was your tenant. I paid you for every week, and even gave you money to run my errands while I was at work. Until the bank took your house. Then, you renegged (in classic Rochester style) on sharing the cash for keys money with me. That's what getting me out of there was all about. I was on my way anyway.

    I just hoped that if I locked you out, you would freak out, all drunk, like you did the night before, and when the cops came you would get violated and go to jail like you should have in the first place when you set fire to your house and put your wife and kids on the street. See? I tried to do to you what you did to them. Then I would get all the cash for keys money. It didn't work, oh well.

    But that's the thing with you fucking, molly-coddled addicts who think you are just victims of some random disease, like cancer. You seek pity Society backs you up on that disease theory, I think because there is so much money in it, I don't know. But, I'm not buying it. I don't pity you.

    I can remember how you looked that morning the cops came, sitting in your bed in the living room, smoking your cigarette, quivering like a queer eating a hot dog, on the verge of tears, "I'm chemically dependent" you told the officers. "I'm afraid of Kevin, he has military training." You looked so fucking pitiful! No wonder the cop kept telling me to shut up while he gave you a tissue and a pat on the bum.

    No wonder you got beat up so much as a kid. I think you asked for it, so you could get a pity party after. That's probably why you hurt yourself now, with that 150 proof poison you constantly swill. More pity.

    Sooner or later we've got to stop all this cyber-bullshit. I want the opportunity to beat the living shit out of you. I know you're afraid. You probably still have my trailer, but you would have to face me to give it back, so you made up a story. If you had any balls, you would have said "sure let's meet at the park" whether you had my stuff or not. But you're a pussy. You want to just keep going at the keyboard, calling *me* the keyboard tough-guy. Lame, douchebag. Real lame.

    I'll let you know what Randy says.

    Keep a close eye on our possessions. I'm coming for them sometime.

  161. Okay, Douchebag. I did my homework. Because you are such a "legal-beagle" bitch, I'm taking the initiative to find out how I can have the opportunity to beat your fucking toothless face in without getting arrested for assault and battery or getting sued by your pansy ass for making you dorkier looking than you already are. Turns out Washington state has the only laws that respect a man's "right to choose" and don't try to dictate what they can do with their own bodies... I had to put it that way, because it's ironic. I'm dead set against abortion. Yet, well, never mind...That's another story / blog post.

    NY is a state where they are actually very strict about unsanctioned fighting. However, they have what seems like pretty easy avenues to go down to get our "grudge match" all legal.

    I sent message off to an organization that could help. When I get us a green light, I'll let you know right away so you can add all sorts of other stupid requirements...your way of chickening out... I'll give Randy first dibs at hosting it at Pumpkin fest. We could be the entertainment --In meat space instead of cyber-space for a change.

    By the way sissy-man. What's your fight record? You said mine wasn't "real"... I could prove it is. That's what do-nothing bitches like you do. They detract from other men's accomplishments because they don't have any of their own. Are you going to tell our nonexistent audience I never built any houses either?

    You should thank me for giving you this opportunity to back up your words with some actions. If you actually throw fists with me, I will be grateful to you. I can tell you from experience that it takes a certain amount of courage to fist-fight, or investigate and turn in murders. Times have changed, and now society just sums it up as trouble-making. Fuck 'em. Win or lose we should let it increase our respect for each other. Most of the guys I've fought became friends after. Let's make sure we raise some money with this to donate to charity, to make it that much more respectable.

  162. Here is the message I sent:

    Hi! Question: Does your organization have a matchmaker license? Myself and another "mutual combatant" want to beat each other's faces in, at a huge neighborhood party a mutual friend holds every year. NYS doesn't have the cool laws sanctioning this, like Washington state does. In Washington, we would just need a cop to referee and no one is liable criminally or civilly. We could pay fees for your services (referee, medical oversight, etc.) Please get back to me with information or questions. This wouldn't be until October, so we have plenty of time to work out details. This is a serious inquiry. Please regard it as such. Thanks in advance!

    1. You're adorable, a predictable little doll.


    2. And be real, mr keyboard toughguy. It had to take the most guts to stick that herpes infested penis of yours into that shemale faced/murdering/black mail victum huh?

      Like I said.
      We'll leave our next meeting up to your son. Don't go stress yourself over it.
      I don't have a fight record.

      Wait that's a lie.
      Everytime I visit this shitty blog I have to fight back the urge to laugh until I can't amymore...

      Cause you really are a silly little bitch.

    3. Not sure what is hollower, your threats or your head.

      One thing I don't understand is how would you find me years from now?? You don't even know when I'm hanging out with your son...

    4. Your business acumen is equally, if not as more shitty than your execution.

      Have your losses equated into a greater whole yet there sun-ztu??

      You continue to under estimate me. I'm more than happy to continue proving you wrong and shoving your face in that shit.


  163. When It's time to look for and take back my stuff, I'll find it. But you go ahead and hide, pussy.

    No fight record? My chances of kicking you ass just went up. You'll have to come out of hiding though.

    What's your claim to business fame? Ever sell a mortgage? Pass a series 7 exam? Build an animal shelter? You worked for me. I paid you more that you got from your last job you ungrateful bitch.

    I don't have a herpes dick.

    I didn't fuck Chrissy.

    I don't underestimate you. You've devoted more time to my blog than I have in the last year. Did you finally get sick of pretending to be a cowboy on that video game you played for hours while I tried ( and succeeded ) at selling your shit online? Do you want to see what a good year I had with that? Even after you and Cyndi stealing my inventory?

    I'll post about it.

    Thanks for being my biggest fan, fucktard. Can't you find anyone else to help you on your mission? They probably think your fucking weird because you think there are mind controlling chemicals spewing out of jet engine exhaust.

    ...As you swill 150 proof alcohol

    Whah! The government is poisoning me. They're supporting me financially and emotionally because I'm chemically dependent, but those dangerous cloud-like lines in the sky is really what's got me all fucked up.

    I'm glad you found a new friend. One not as sober as I am. That's what bothered you most of all, right Don? I'm not needy. You are. Poor bastard. I don't need to fuck, or to get drunk, or to be high, or to collect rent from a roommate I don't want to live with. You're so fucked.

  164. I didn't hear back from that gym. I'll try another one. Am I working into your little plan? Ot were you referring to the offer I made the lawyers on the land deal that's none of your fucking business?

    1. You're the ungrateful bitch, bitch.
      You hitch-hiked from Vermont to Rochester with that mammoth asshole dog of yours, with little warning to the woman and her family, that graciously let you stay.
      You chatted yourself up as a god-fearing catholic to her parents and exposed yourself as the white-trash-scumbag-wizard you are to her and got kicked out.
      Then you tried that bullshit with me...
      You're retarded.
      You're a broken record.
      You're a retarded-white-trash-broken-record...

      You can try and deny that shit all you want, but you know in your heart, it is the truth.

      I'm not your fan. If you care to look again and see how I've consistently made you look like the asshole you are, just hit the scroll back button on that macbook you swindled from a veteren.
      Or maybe ask your son with the 40-dick-a-day heroin habit how he and I both feel about you?

      I won't hide from you, but I'm not gonna put my address up for any white-trash-maniac with obvious mental issues to plug into google. Here's a hint though, this big truck just keeps rolling.
      I'm not worried about you, I enjoy fucking with your tiny-oh-so-predictable mind. I don't have plans for you, unlike you have for me...

      Wow. A banner year for your trash business huh?
      How come you couldn't afford to make it back to pick up your garbage?
      Bad timing??

      You do still owe me for moving that dung-heaped shit-hut.

      You want this to end?

      Pay me.


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